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Chalamet Eyes

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Everything posted by Chalamet Eyes

  1. She needs to get A JOB... Selling 10/15 year old demos isn't a stable income. Neither her or her fans are winning by paying for them.
  2. Considering she's offered people these songs which have already leaked recently it's hardly delusional to think she'd pull a stunt like that... And she knows they have because she's been told on many occasions. She's just trying her luck since some of the people who follow her on Instagram don't know about her unreleased stuff lmao. Theme Song Make Me Say Dare U 2 Love Me Alien Rainbows
  3. She tells people one thing and then someone else another... She was selling one person Sweat for $200 and then she sold it to someone else for $25... I'm not being horrible just because I can, she's done me (and many others) out of a lot of money.
  4. Why do you think she would have an official tracklist for an album she recorded over 10 years ago and changed direction more times than she changed her underwear.
  5. Except it wouldn't be an official tracklist... It would be a collection of demos she raided from her laptop for a quick cash in... A very different thing.
  6. There isn't a "full" version of Zombie... She doesn't have Doing Me and the version of Make Me Say that leaked is the only version she has lmao.
  7. She’s trying to sell people songs that already leaked... My Hand, Make Me Say...
  8. Those albums were ancient and there were no rights to most of the songs so she could get away with those at least. Warner owns everything else lmao.
  9. You’re delusional if you think she’s going to put anything that hasn’t already leaked on them. I hope Benny sues her.
  10. To no ones surprise - she's posting stuff she sold to people on SoundCloud for free now lmao
  11. Nah, she has way better songs than this.
  12. Found this blog on her mum's website, clearly things haven't changed for her. https://www.irenegardiner.co.uk/blog/april-27th-2020
  13. I edited my original post. But yeah they're both the same song, she just changed the title for some reason when she made that CD lmao.
  14. Neon Valentino: Derek Sugar Daddy On the Move: Bubble Based The New Black Plastic Fantastic Genuinity One Step Away True On the Move This Song Goes Out For / This Song's 4 U Misc songs Dave The Other Side The remaining songs are most likely 2006 scraps.
  15. Sorry beautiful stunning queen, but I had this one already!
  16. Plastic Fantastic - Queen of Windows Media file format! https://dbree.org/v/5f60c3
  17. It’s not so much hate - more frustration that her good deed (albeit an illegal one) of letting her fans hear the songs they’ve wanted for years turned into her being an ungrateful money grabber who is scamming her remaining fans left and right just to make ends meet.
  18. Someone request a cameo so she can eat this week x
  19. Sis wasn't getting it out for free so she had to make do with London Bitch instead.
  20. She has Voodoo as well which already leaked in like 2012. It's not Make Me Say haha. That song is from 2011.
  21. https://soundcloud.com/gypsyontheblock/snippet-1/s-38edM7ysAnx
  22. Nah the one you just quoted is Headspun.
  23. The only studio she'll be setting foot in is Dr Phil's.
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