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Pop The Balloons

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Posts posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. 1 minute ago, 132 said:

    release an album called tampon girl

    pls what drama

    Omg stop don't give her ideas she totally would. 



    1 minute ago, 132 said:

    release an album called tampon girl

    pls what drama

    Lmao exactly. what drama? All we did was ask for the hq file and they lost their shit :true:

  2. 1 minute ago, 132 said:

    i have a confession, i hate that part of sirens after the intro, the ba ba ba wuhhhhh :thumb3:

    "and the portals? they make me write about my period"

    :kum: Melanie is truly the queen of periods lmao she put it in her movie, she has a song about it what else is this girli going to do with periods

  3. 2 minutes ago, 132 said:



    its 19 days. im so tired

    also if tunnel vision isnt on portals im gonna turn up at her house with my lawyers 

    Oh no I'm with you, I'll be right there with you :crossed:

    Getting so sick and mfing tired of this girlie scrapping all the good stuff for some bs 

  4. Being a Melanie fan is so tiring but exhciting at the same time. On one hand there's some cool ppl like you guys and then you've got the Twitter and insta cry babies..... And it's exciting because Melanie is incredibly talented and can do good things (not so much lately) and the snippets def keep us on edge but are tiring. 

  5. 22 minutes ago, baked said:

    they’ll eat anything mel does up and we just say facts ! :true:

    Melanie could literally shit her pants and the Twitter/insta fans would be like "omg yes that's facts mama, queen of shit don't let anyone tell you otherwise" or something like girl 😐 or she could copy another artists work like for line etc etc and they'd still eat it up and defend her 😭

  6. 2 minutes ago, baked said:

    no she’ll hate us even more + cancel tour :silly: also its so funny seeing stans getting mad at ppl for listening to leaks. like when they’re better than the actual album then what will we do :sideeye:

    I have learned to ignore Melanie fans that aren't in here because they're almost all crazy and love to say/do anything for a little crumb of attention it's so bad. I love the leaks and I will probably listen to those more then the album :true:

  7. Just now, The Siren said:

    no thx, that'd make it Mel's worst song :illumarina:

    The lyrical message I meant 😭 

    But I'm definitely over the shitty promo, girl she said I'm lazy my fans can do it for me 

  8. 22 minutes ago, tulsa jesus freaks said:

    not people on twitter posting "i got an egg from melanie" and sharing a snippet of some of the leaked tracks



    I'm not surprised they will do anything for attention 

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