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Pop The Balloons

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About Pop The Balloons

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  • Birthday October 1

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  1. Getting a bit annoyed, I emailed about my brat deluxe CD and they won't respond 🥲 I want my cddddddd
  2. I'd also like to add the comments on the video are not what I was expecting, it's over for Melanie y'all 😭 everyone's like "I hate Melanie now thanks for speaking up you perfect little angel" and I'm like HUH
  3. The sad thing is that people won't see it for what it could be/is, they actually genuinely see it as oh Melanie did x thing and poor Timothy. I'm not saying either of them are right because again neither of us will ever know but you pointing out that there's new music coming and this is essentially a rehash of before makes me wonder 🤔 this is getting ridiculous at this point there has to be something that can be done to put a rest to this Also did you see the video someone posted about a previous friend of Timothy's that tim cut off for no reason and basically said they believed Tim at first then found out she lied a lot about things and was a POS?
  4. Agree 1000% it's so confusing cuz like where do you go from here like nobody is ever going to know what really happens both sides can argue until they're dead about what happened, so like wtf happens now? It's so confusing
  5. I'm so sick of this drama 😭 like it's all around an issue not just on one side, Timothy and the fans are at fault here
  6. Can't have anything nice 😭
  7. Girl, idk what to think or say Exhausted honestly this didn't add anything or clear anything up idk I'm over it
  8. Me too I think that's currently the only Unreleased I want badly, that and final or more polished versions of some of the portals outtakes
  9. I want to know too, I kinda like it. Also love the way this thread is the deadest it's ever been
  10. I want a Charli and Imogen heap Collab
  11. Lmao of course they did, why am I not surprised. Thank you I'll shoot them an email and see if that pushes anything through
  12. Has anyone had their brat deluxe CD ship yet? Nothing on my end it just says order placed
  13. I would like to see it
  14. I really hope the official is almost exactly like this i kinda love it
  15. I'm going to sound crazy but what if the remix albums called brat summer and she's releasing more albums to cover each season, JK that's whackadoo 🤣
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