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Pop The Balloons

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Posts posted by Pop The Balloons

  1. If "When I Rule the World" was sung by Charli..................  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:


    I'm djing this saturdays at a local party and i'm hand-sewing this pink harness all inspired by it. I'm stuffing the set with pop/pc music tracks and i can't wait to dance my spirit away 


    You cute af omg

  2. it's legit 40 kbps  :crossed:  i would share it but the song may be coming out so idk but other ppl have posted it on soundcloud before.

    You oculd always dm it to me too 

  3. it totally was. But, I mean, someone legit decided to spend that amount on money ON A SONG. Wow  :facepalm:

    Yeah that was ridiculous, kinda glad for their sake they didn't spend that much 

  4. JNKELDWMFGEDKWSALÑKFDS AAAAHAHAHAHAHA. The cry babies that are still dedicated cry babies are so delusional. They fall so easily for this. It's so sad that kids spent money for this, but come on...

    It was kinda sh**ty the person backed out of the sale 

  5. Go figure they basically blackmailed us saying we'll never get it again if we don't by x date and then we do and now they're like "sorry can't release it just yet" after begging for money lmao wtf

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