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Posts posted by evalionisameme

  1. Most of my friends insult her all the time so i'm used to it by now. They always say she's depressing and dull, and that she can't sing and makes weird old fashioned music and that she makes then wanna cut blah blah blah. I just brush it off because it's their loss, not mine. Some people just love to remain ignorant and close minded. Not much us stans can do about poor taste is there :lanahairflip2:



    Same I don't really care what they think though personal opinions and all

  2. this album is so gonna suck. GL sounds like a BTD reject and that sound's been done to death before by Lana herself. The production is also extremely demo'd. Loll


    SB is good at least.

    I agree gl definately is the most btd song yet it could/should of been on that album its good but I wanted her to take a new direction artistically with this album sonically which hasn't happened like a dark horror based album or grunge rock it'll still be a good record just not anything new

  3. Slightly unrelated but I can see what Lana is doing with the I want to fit in thing and I think it's silly she should be proud of her individualistic styles and tastes not following these trends like her 1 pound choker and wishing she was a normal person because she isn't and she never will be and that's why we like her

    In some ways I think she has vastly gotten wiser with age and in some I think she's gotten more naive tbh

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