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Posts posted by evalionisameme

  1. I know she was at the Golden Globes in Jan 2016, but I don't recall her saying this


    People thinking whoever the subject of that quote was is a coke whore is really not 'legendary' and quite sad, especially if she said it about herself.

    sadly there's been rumours she's a druggie for awhile I remember this one guy saying she'd take metaphatamines off the floor while he was managing this other girl on yt and this was pre true romance.

    Also this isn't legendary if it's true it's rather sad and pathetic

  2. Golden Globes: “Someone had to tell me who this person was. When they said her name and her song, I recognized her, but still had no idea what she looked like in person. Foreign born one hit wonder. She let any guy who would share their coke take a feel of her or do some other things which I have never seen at a party here. Guys were literally penetrating her and she let them do whatever they wanted while she was actually snorting the coke. When it was done, she was done. It wasn’t like they had to work that hard to find bare skin.”

    Charli XCX


    This legend


  3. Can I just ask what's happening to her voice it's been like this since her late 2016 tour dates really muffled and quiet with a few songs with some okay, and then its sounding awful what happened to her amazing vocals during the summer tour?

    She needs to quit smoking her voice is getting raspier and airier and she naturally does breathiness for effect anyway

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