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Posts posted by evalionisameme

  1. "When I was young, I had a tree house and in order to get to the top of it, me and my sister had to climb up a satin Christmas ribbon. One day, on my way up the ribbon snapped and I fell 15 feet on to a fire pit. I broke my ribs and never told anyone except my mother. Last year I stopped into a Unitarian church and and a man came up to me out of the blue and told me he was a clairvoyant and that the reason why I had a shallow, breathy voice was because I had fallen out of a tree house 15 years ago. I still can’t get over how strange it is that he knew that.”

  2. "I just remember, like, being 11 years old and hearing Heart Shaped Box on TV for the first time and, like, the pairing of the guitars with Kurt's voice, kind of invoking the imagery of this West Coast-influenced, underground jazz scene, you know, and just being really struck by it. It was really my first introduction to jazz. But, like, an angrier jazz, I guess."

    it's scary because I can't even tell if this quote is real she legit says things like this all the time once she said she fell out of a tree and it made her sing breathy

  3. Yes, but on the other hand she thinks TLY and HM in general are jazz, so her track record at labeling genres is really bad basically. Lust for Life could literally be about wanting to fuck on the white house lawn at an anti war protest if Abel had anything to do with it. That's political, but is it "political"? idk. (Did Government Hooker turn into a feminist classic?..) I think I'd rather her drop less obvious but self affirming lines about breaking away from societal/political chains and such (like "I am my only god" that's a really strong, bold line) which, lyrically and visually Love seemed to be aiming for (kind mediocre on the lyrical front but..I'll take it)

    lol didn't she say uv was jazzy I mean she was right when she said it was guitar driven but that's it she thinks everythings jazz

    She probably thinks nirvana is jazz tbh

  4. I get that everyone's thirsty for as much music as possible, but when I see an album has that many it's very vulnerable for filler tracks. I think less is more if it's to be a cohesive record that you can listen front to back easily. Yeah I sound pretentious af, but don't clock me it's just more meaningful as work of art imo, you feel me? Somethings different about this era, like I see a creative spark in her and I want it to be the best record she's ever released (that will be a challenge)

    I NEED more Lana in my life of course, I actually think a Lust / Life double album would be pretty cool and still within her vision  :kiss:

    I could see this first half dealing with darker songs reminiscent of her previous albums like lust for like and the second focusing on brighter songs like love showing that she's moved on and she's ready for happiness in her life and for those around her with a small focus on political issues along the way

  5. She's used it as a caption for a photo before and had it as her bio for a while before removing it, not entirely sure what it is

    thanks for the info it's weird lol

  6. Its funny how a lot of people keep saying Lana has ended her career. Just a reminder- All female superstars like Gaga, Katy, Rihanna,etc are underperforming. The current pop girlies like Demi and Selena are getting Top 15 multi platinum singles and promoting their albums in every way possible on the face of Earth and still selling 750-850 k ww. Lana released an album as slow and uncommercial as Honeymoon with practically ZERO promo and still sold approx 700 k ww. The day she decides to legit promote her shit everywhere , the other girls will be shook lol.

    that's because their music is like McDonald's well rihannas okay but the rest are mediocre as fuck in my opinion selena can't sing revival was a decent pop album demis music is shit same with Katy and gaga I'm indifferent too don't hate it but wouldn't choose to listen to it

    Hopeful for the Courtney collab and wouldn't mind a Nancy Sinatra one I know it's unlikely but still

    Again before some get offended just my opinion obviously everyone has their own

  7. I know! It's not like she dropped an album a few weeks ago or anything! Selfish bitch

    it's not like I could of been taking the piss for April fools to see what the reaction would be with my comment parodying the situation on this thread with us all including me asking for leaks
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