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Posts posted by evalionisameme

  1. What genre do you see Lana as there's a wide variety of opinions on this ranging from pop sub genres to rock sub genres,trip hop and alternative music or do you just see her as the genre she's created for herself "Hollywood sadcore" even though her sound changes between albums.

    And do genres even matter anymore?

  2. i just really dont feel like theres enough artists who could actually collab with lana


    like yeah, there are definitely artists that can she can work with but shes never had a collab or feature on any of her albums and she has done fine. i dont get why some people are suddenly wanting her to collab with people for "more streams" "more popularity" "getting her on the charts" cause you guys didnt care about that during paradise, ultraviolence or honeymoon


    if you wanted her to be the indie tumblr queen back in 2011/2012 why did you guys wait until 2017 to say "actually now i want her to have radio hits" ??? what made you wait six years into her career

    I don't care but it's always nice when your artists do well but it really depends on the quality of a song to me a song can flop if it sounds good I'll like it I'd rather take that over sales any day
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