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Posts posted by latothemoon

  1. Omg yes!!!!! They're so good! Leo Rising is truly amazing. I saw them live twice during Pulses era, once with Bonnie McKee opening & once at some college show here in Fl with Alex & Sierra opening. They're sooo good live! Amy kneeled in front of me during show #2 & smiled at me & I'm still shook  :defeated: I think she remembered my face from the other show. I haven't met them somehow. I really hope the Leo Rising Tour isn't cancelled  :deadbanana:


    But yes if you're not gotten into them yet give them a try!  :flutter:


    Supposedly the Leo Rising tour isn't happening until 2018 :sadcore3:  and this year they're just focusing on Amy's solo project Herby 

  2. Is there any studio versions of the songs from the mixtape or album? If so could someone send them to me? :defeated:


    I really love Charli, but I don't stan her enough to keep up with the stuff she releases. 


    After the Afterparty is the only song released from the album so far

  3. In my view LDR5 will be the ultimate test if Lana can morph in a true quality artist. She has 0 commercial appeal left, she and her label knows that and even her non-delusional fans know that. Probably, the forthcoming "era" will not have any serious promo and the videos will be in the same halfhearted, amateurish style that she adopted starting with the UV era.

    BTD+Paradise was a provocative era on all levels: sonically, visually, she had some controversial messages, with a clear pop appeal, UV was a good shot at the quality artist status with a cohesive sound and message (yes UV had a message in my view it was her response to her detractors), but HM was a botched attempt to continue that trend: HM has a boring sound, visuals and there was no message (the lyrical content is forgettable). So LDR5 will be about her capacity to convey a message and put it consistently in a lyrical context and music which any quality artist do. But after following her for 4 years I don't have high hopes of something interesting coming out with LDR5, I think that it will be more like a continuation of the HM era

    Your display name should just be "flop"

  4. If Atlantic didn't screw her and she got to release this album way earlier I bet it would've been much better and more how she wanted it. It's turned into a mess that's gotten tweaked too much and Charli just wants it to be released already. I'm looking forward to the mixtape more since she has more control over it.

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