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Everything posted by AshleyP1994

  1. Thank you that would be so helpful Thank you so so much Hope you have a great night
  2. Hey there Lana lovers So i am a member of this wonderful group and a proud fan of Lana since 2012, for college we have been asked to explore an online community and see how the members interact with eachother, what brings them to the site and what keeps them here. As I am a member of this site I have chosen to do it on this community. I would really appreciate if you could fill out the survey and please don't fill out anything you are not comfortable with I'm not here to make anyone feel uncomfortable. Thank you in advance to anyone wonderful enough to take part. Ashley x 1– What is your age, gender, country? 2 - How often do you visit the forum / post on the forum? 3-How did you find out about Lana Boards? 4 - Do you feel the Lana Boards forum offers a sense of community? How does it differ to the offline community? 5 - Do you find it easier to communicate and voice your opinions online on the forum, than offline face to face? 6 - Does being part of this forum enhance your enjoyment of Lana’s music? 7 – Does being part of this Society in general influence the music you listen to or the gigs you go to? 8 – Is there any negativity on the site from trolls etc? 9 – What do you think is the best aspect of communicating in the forum? 10 – Do you communicate with any members on any other messenger whom you met here? If so how many, how often, in depth conversations or small talk? 11 – Do you communicate with any member’s offline, other than at the socials? Give examples. 12 – What is your favourite part of being a member of Lana Boards? Even if you don't answer all the questions, or answer in depth it'll still help me. And if there's anything else you think would be useful for me to know than tell me that also.
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