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Posts posted by Lad

  1. There's Season 1, Sorority Row (which I consider to be AHS Season 4.5) and then Season 2, which never got a name after they cancelled the Summer Camp season and is generally regarded as not being as good as Sorority Row :hooker:


    Im here for Chanel appearing on AHS, it makes sense to me

    Neither of them got subtitle I think. Season 2 was on a hospital setting but really the Summer Camp season would’ve been way more cooler. Anyway Scream Queens deserved better.

  2. I'm sure you've suffered so much in your life, and now you don't get to see Lana, how tragic.

    Well please think about the palestinian children that didn't get to experience high school, just trying to survive your horrifying massacre.

    This is such a selfish comment... if we were to use this logic the fucking USA should not get ANY concert but yet here they are getting entire tour legs dedicated to them




    What are YOU doing for the children affected by war. Not only between middle eastern countries but also the ones started by Western countries

  3. Y’all dragging Poppy for being an abuse enabler while stanning Kim Petrash who literally gives money to a rapist + victim blamed Kesha is pretty stupid lmao

  4. We could analyze everyone elses signed merchandise and compare. If it's too consistent with one another it'll most likely be machine printed/stamped.


    Exactly how I felt. Except now I'm getting a refund and I'm still caught up in UMG's bullshit even when requesting a refund.

    Did you get your signed cd?

  5. US store message from today:

    Thank you for reaching out to us and our apologies for the lack of updates regarding the delay in your order. Unfortunately, we are still experiencing a delay with the Lust For Life - Limited Edition Autographed CD and still do not have an updated timeline as for when we expect it to ship. We sincerely apologize for any inconveniences that may have occurred.

    Honestly i don’t care if they send me a CD signed by Sally from warehouse I just want to be done with this shit
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