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The Greatest

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Everything posted by The Greatest

  1. I completely agree. Although I think by the time it were released this would be fixed. To me its a demo of an excellent song that never became completely developed. I would have loved to see what auerbach would have done with it
  2. Also, with all of the bonus tracks and stuff UV was 17 songs long. That's already really long. Like I love Fine China but I feel like it serves a similar purpose as Old Money, so it would have to be a one or the other kinda deal
  3. I honestly think life is beautiful is just the length of the commercial for the movie. Like it would be nice to have it without the talking in the background but I doubt there is more of it because of what she said about doing a short song for a commercial.
  4. yeah i def think it will after new years but that's in a week and a half that wouldn't be terrible at all
  5. Yeah it was tonight's episode! I have no idea I just happened to be watching it. All i remember was it was something about 2014, Cruel World, and Ultraviolence and my fam was impressed I knew it lol
  6. LOL guys "Lana Del Rey" was a 2000 level answer on jeopardy and no one got it
  7. okay women have plenty of right to have a political opinion right now.
  8. I feel like if she did go political, it would be subtle, and it would only be one song. But lets be real she won't.
  9. Lucky ones Don't let me be misunderstood Lolita Swan Song
  10. I want visuals and quality music, but for me it's more about her realizing her artistic vision than proving that the GP likes her the best. AKA is one of my favorite albums in existence right now and it had no commercial success. She doesn't need the money, she doesn't want the fame, she does this because it's what she loves and as long as her music reflects that I will be happy
  11. Eliminate: Radio, Blue Jeans, Florida Kilos, Born to Die Immunity: Ride, Shades of Cool
  12. I think it's not Lana. Like for a second it sounds like her and then it doesn't. And they just posted big spender pretending it's a new thing so I feel like they're trying to look like they know something they don't
  13. I had a dream last night that she announced the album (I forget what it was called) was going to be released on friday and the album cover was her laying on the ground with her feet in the air and a constellation/solar system thing was around her feet in black and white.
  14. I have this reoccurring dream that I meet her at an awards show and she tells me about her new music and I wake up and it's not true and I get really salty.
  15. Eliminate: Dance for Money, Roses Immunity: Resistance
  16. I agree. Also, every time she's done it she's changed it from the leak in some way, like adding an edgier vibe to BB or rerecording Yayo. Kinda Outta Luck and YCBTB are definitely already done, because they were both released by her on FB and KOL was used on Gossip Girl, so I don't see that happening.
  17. Yeahhhh that's like when everyone was saying she was going to release serial killer on Honeymoon. It made more sense for Black Beauty to be on UV because even though it was leaked, it matched the aesthetic of the album. Same with her remaking Yayo for Paradise. I would rather have new material we already have those songs
  18. DId anyone else see that smiler just released Big Spender on his new album?
  19. "And yet the gnarliest, most passionate moment on the album is the one moment where one of those women gets a chance to sing — on “Stargirl Interlude,” when Lana Del Rey briefly coos about fucking in a kitchen. That one two-minute track is where Starboy feels most alive. The rest of the time, this is satisfying, well-executed pop music from someone who, once upon a time, was capable of something more." Our girl slays
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