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  1. cashcomesquick liked a post in a topic by Punie in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I am a fan of her, I have been a member on this forum before. Just registered once again to talk about politics, hoped for a good discussion as I know many of you are social justice warriors and would most likely disagree with me. It is just funnier to discuss things when people have different opinions, not to mention the fact that most of you are Americans ... But sadly, the only feedback I got from my political view was allegations that I got paid for writing it. Was really funny, but yet disappointed.
  2. reputation liked a post in a topic by Punie in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I am not American so I don't care much about the U.S. domestic policy, if they raise or lower the taxes etc. I do however care about the U.S. foreign policy, as the entire world are being influenced by it, as the United States are currently the most powerful nation in the world, because of historic things like Third Reich's defeat, the French and British empire's dissolution and the Soviet Union's fall.
    The military alliance NATO was made to counter the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. Today, the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact has fallen, the threat was over, the cold war was over, global peace could be achieved. But no. NATO kept it's existence under Bill Clinton as president. And not only did they keep the Alliance, they also expanded it to eastern Europe. See NATO's expansion below.

    NATO has worked active to overthrow "dictatorships" to replace them with "democratic" puppets. They have now destabilized great parts of the Middle East and North Africa. Making it possible to have a huge refugee & African migrant stream to Europe. While known globalist, together with the media are making a "Refugee Welcome" movement and are bashing everyone who disagrees with their view.
    The entire western world are going down hill because of the globalists control. The political climate has been really depressing in Europe the last 6 years and the central power of the cause is the United States political administration.
    It's up for you Americans had to put an end to this, either by violent revolution or by democratic revolution by simply voting for someone who does not share the globalists agenda.
    I had no faith in you tbh. Americans have became stupid as hell in my opinion. The vast majority are not interested in politics at all. Roughly about 56% of the U.S. population voted in this presidential election.

    So let's talk about the presidential candidates foreign policy from the x2 major parties.
    She was very happy about overthrowing the Libyan leader in 2011, but the country is now shattered and terrorist groups like ISIS have taken over parts of the country. She didn't put any concern about Libya in this election.
    Hillary Clinton opinions about Syria:
    1. Make sure the Syrian president gets overthrown by any means. Russia and China put their veto votes in the U.N. that prevented USA / NATO from an intervention in Syria. For similar reasons as in Iraq. As they are not directly allowed to overthrow the Syrian president Assad by using the U.S. military, they do it indirectly instead, by equipping "rebel groups" in Syria who "fights for freedom, against their dictatorship". These "rebel groups" looks very alike any jihadist group and these tactics have been used before, which lead to the creation of al-Qaida, which Hillary Clinton has said herself.
    2. She wants to put a no-fly zone over Syria, aka shooting down every aircraft that passes the no-fly zone. An airspace the Syrian and Russian governments are using right now to bomb the NATO supported "rebels". These "freedom fighters" are currently taking civilians as hostage and using them as a shield in Aleppo and they don't mind giving the hostages any food. Even Obama and the U.S. military sees a great risk in the no-fly zone decision. That it might lead to a world war.
    3. She wants to arm the Kurds in northern Iraq & Syria. A military group which the NATO member Turkey are fighting against (PKK). There would be conflicts about it, for sure.
    Hillary Clinton's opinion about North Korea: She thinks Obama has been too passive on North Korea. Wants to do something about it?
    Wikileaks showed an e-mail where she had written "My dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders [...]" with Central and South America.
    H. Clinton opinion about Russia:
    She said already during the election that she is ready to go to war with Russia because she imagined that Russia hacked & interfered in the election. Referring to the leak that the Democratic party made sure Bernie Sanders wouldn't win. There are no proof what so ever that Russia was behind it.

    Her economy policies is that she will sign TTIP agreement that will sell out the country to gigantic capitalist industries. Making sure big industries will have more power than a state - and the state in a democracy is YOU, the people.
    She changed her mind about it during the election, but only a fool would trust her. She is a liar by default. The rest are just to promote a globalist economy. Pretty much continue Obama's footsteps.
    I am sorry if I offend anyone but you have to be mentally challenged if you believe Hillary Clinton doesn't represent the global elite's agenda. I know many people in here only think about identity politics and minority groups like afro-Americans, LGBT-rights etc. I think Obama outplayed the minority groups, I don't see much significant improvements during his 8 years. The racial tensions are really big now in the U.S. and now he tried to pass it on to Hillary. Who was earlier in her political carrier against black people and LGBT-rights, so why would she improve their life situations now? She was just fishing your votes.
    She said she fought for women's freedom, yet countries like Saudi Arabia (most anti-gay rights and most patriarchal country in the world) donated her money for the election campaign.

    Now Donald Trump.
    Trump about Syria:
    • Wants to cooperate with Russia to defeat the terrorist groups in Syria, who is threatening most parts of the world.
    Trump on the U.S. debt and NATO:
    • He says the U.S. can't pay for other countries protection. That other countries must pay for U.S. protection. Which will hopefully make countries either leave NATO or give European army's more power.
    Globalization: He will think of the United States economy first and not to maintain a global economy. An economy that forces a world wide capitalist economy. To dominate across the globe, or give up. Something which has so far given Asian countries industrial advantage. Although their people are being highly exploited.
    Border control: Making sure it will work. Hopefully the European Union will get influenced by this, because we are currently being influenced by the U.S. that multiculturalism and diversity is good.
    Trump on Russia: Wants to restore relations between the United States and Russia for global peace.
    Trump on North Korea: Doesn't see them as the U.S. concern and thinks the countries near the region can take care of them instead. China, Japan and Russia.

    The media are currently having a hard time to figure out how Donald Trump could win. They mostly interview like-minded who were clearly against him. I think this was a good interview of why Donald Trump came into power. It's a Dutch politician who expresses his thoughts about the election.

    The world can't take any more years of a globalist puppet in power of the United States. Hopefully Donald Trump isn't one of them as he clearly had the entire establishment against him and he has expressed an ideology that is the complete opposite from them. It felt like a burden lifted off my shoulders when Trump won. I now see a glimpse of chance that it might be peace in Syria in 2017, an end to the refugee & migrant streams to Europe, not a world war, an end to the U.S. imperial policies, an end to a global economy that forces capitalism structures and hopefully put the economical focus on the western world first, an end to TTIP agreements. AN END TO THE GLOBALIST'S AGENDA.
    Would have preferred another political party though. Not sure if Trump will get through his opinions due the congress & senate. But Trump is at least a glimpse of hope that the world may not get the package of an ideology that Hillary Clinton would guaranteed fulfill. Even she said in the 2nd presidential debate that this was not an ordinary election. She indicated that the U.S. won't be the same of whoever is winning. I believe the American people choose the right option, a candidate who at least spoke in the interest of the people rather than the global elite. We will see what happens next.
  3. TRENCH liked a post in a topic by Punie in THE ELECTION 2K16   
    I am not American so I don't care much about the U.S. domestic policy, if they raise or lower the taxes etc. I do however care about the U.S. foreign policy, as the entire world are being influenced by it, as the United States are currently the most powerful nation in the world, because of historic things like Third Reich's defeat, the French and British empire's dissolution and the Soviet Union's fall.
    The military alliance NATO was made to counter the Soviet Union and the Warsaw Pact. Today, the Soviet Union and the Warsaw pact has fallen, the threat was over, the cold war was over, global peace could be achieved. But no. NATO kept it's existence under Bill Clinton as president. And not only did they keep the Alliance, they also expanded it to eastern Europe. See NATO's expansion below.

    NATO has worked active to overthrow "dictatorships" to replace them with "democratic" puppets. They have now destabilized great parts of the Middle East and North Africa. Making it possible to have a huge refugee & African migrant stream to Europe. While known globalist, together with the media are making a "Refugee Welcome" movement and are bashing everyone who disagrees with their view.
    The entire western world are going down hill because of the globalists control. The political climate has been really depressing in Europe the last 6 years and the central power of the cause is the United States political administration.
    It's up for you Americans had to put an end to this, either by violent revolution or by democratic revolution by simply voting for someone who does not share the globalists agenda.
    I had no faith in you tbh. Americans have became stupid as hell in my opinion. The vast majority are not interested in politics at all. Roughly about 56% of the U.S. population voted in this presidential election.

    So let's talk about the presidential candidates foreign policy from the x2 major parties.
    She was very happy about overthrowing the Libyan leader in 2011, but the country is now shattered and terrorist groups like ISIS have taken over parts of the country. She didn't put any concern about Libya in this election.
    Hillary Clinton opinions about Syria:
    1. Make sure the Syrian president gets overthrown by any means. Russia and China put their veto votes in the U.N. that prevented USA / NATO from an intervention in Syria. For similar reasons as in Iraq. As they are not directly allowed to overthrow the Syrian president Assad by using the U.S. military, they do it indirectly instead, by equipping "rebel groups" in Syria who "fights for freedom, against their dictatorship". These "rebel groups" looks very alike any jihadist group and these tactics have been used before, which lead to the creation of al-Qaida, which Hillary Clinton has said herself.
    2. She wants to put a no-fly zone over Syria, aka shooting down every aircraft that passes the no-fly zone. An airspace the Syrian and Russian governments are using right now to bomb the NATO supported "rebels". These "freedom fighters" are currently taking civilians as hostage and using them as a shield in Aleppo and they don't mind giving the hostages any food. Even Obama and the U.S. military sees a great risk in the no-fly zone decision. That it might lead to a world war.
    3. She wants to arm the Kurds in northern Iraq & Syria. A military group which the NATO member Turkey are fighting against (PKK). There would be conflicts about it, for sure.
    Hillary Clinton's opinion about North Korea: She thinks Obama has been too passive on North Korea. Wants to do something about it?
    Wikileaks showed an e-mail where she had written "My dream is a hemispheric common market with open trade and open borders [...]" with Central and South America.
    H. Clinton opinion about Russia:
    She said already during the election that she is ready to go to war with Russia because she imagined that Russia hacked & interfered in the election. Referring to the leak that the Democratic party made sure Bernie Sanders wouldn't win. There are no proof what so ever that Russia was behind it.

    Her economy policies is that she will sign TTIP agreement that will sell out the country to gigantic capitalist industries. Making sure big industries will have more power than a state - and the state in a democracy is YOU, the people.
    She changed her mind about it during the election, but only a fool would trust her. She is a liar by default. The rest are just to promote a globalist economy. Pretty much continue Obama's footsteps.
    I am sorry if I offend anyone but you have to be mentally challenged if you believe Hillary Clinton doesn't represent the global elite's agenda. I know many people in here only think about identity politics and minority groups like afro-Americans, LGBT-rights etc. I think Obama outplayed the minority groups, I don't see much significant improvements during his 8 years. The racial tensions are really big now in the U.S. and now he tried to pass it on to Hillary. Who was earlier in her political carrier against black people and LGBT-rights, so why would she improve their life situations now? She was just fishing your votes.
    She said she fought for women's freedom, yet countries like Saudi Arabia (most anti-gay rights and most patriarchal country in the world) donated her money for the election campaign.

    Now Donald Trump.
    Trump about Syria:
    • Wants to cooperate with Russia to defeat the terrorist groups in Syria, who is threatening most parts of the world.
    Trump on the U.S. debt and NATO:
    • He says the U.S. can't pay for other countries protection. That other countries must pay for U.S. protection. Which will hopefully make countries either leave NATO or give European army's more power.
    Globalization: He will think of the United States economy first and not to maintain a global economy. An economy that forces a world wide capitalist economy. To dominate across the globe, or give up. Something which has so far given Asian countries industrial advantage. Although their people are being highly exploited.
    Border control: Making sure it will work. Hopefully the European Union will get influenced by this, because we are currently being influenced by the U.S. that multiculturalism and diversity is good.
    Trump on Russia: Wants to restore relations between the United States and Russia for global peace.
    Trump on North Korea: Doesn't see them as the U.S. concern and thinks the countries near the region can take care of them instead. China, Japan and Russia.

    The media are currently having a hard time to figure out how Donald Trump could win. They mostly interview like-minded who were clearly against him. I think this was a good interview of why Donald Trump came into power. It's a Dutch politician who expresses his thoughts about the election.

    The world can't take any more years of a globalist puppet in power of the United States. Hopefully Donald Trump isn't one of them as he clearly had the entire establishment against him and he has expressed an ideology that is the complete opposite from them. It felt like a burden lifted off my shoulders when Trump won. I now see a glimpse of chance that it might be peace in Syria in 2017, an end to the refugee & migrant streams to Europe, not a world war, an end to the U.S. imperial policies, an end to a global economy that forces capitalism structures and hopefully put the economical focus on the western world first, an end to TTIP agreements. AN END TO THE GLOBALIST'S AGENDA.
    Would have preferred another political party though. Not sure if Trump will get through his opinions due the congress & senate. But Trump is at least a glimpse of hope that the world may not get the package of an ideology that Hillary Clinton would guaranteed fulfill. Even she said in the 2nd presidential debate that this was not an ordinary election. She indicated that the U.S. won't be the same of whoever is winning. I believe the American people choose the right option, a candidate who at least spoke in the interest of the people rather than the global elite. We will see what happens next.
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