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About zabuzalana

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    met Lana del rey 20.02.13. my profile pic is me next to her just after the manager swept her away from us, im the curly head

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  1. I can't believe how sexy she looks, its revealing but classy which is something a lot of celebrities lack.
  2. yeah i disagree with him, it's not even like she was well known back then for people to make fakes, cause these songs have been around for a long time.
  3. Recorded: 2005-2006 Genre: Alternative Folk Length: 53:08 What does everybody think of this album? (does she suit folk) Were their co-writers involved? This was before Born to die and Lana Del Ray a.k.a Lizzy Grant and in hindsight some have said this album is better. "Though her vocals are often weak and shaky, her tone sounds delicate and sweet on all these simple tracks...The]songs are written in her range, so she doesn't have to sing (and sing-talk) in her voice and resort to that cutesy, flirty baby coo so prominent throughout Born To Die." Some even suggest that the songs are fakes: "Tom Breihan of Stereogum said it was not confirmed whether the tracks were recorded by Del Rey, but if they were not, they were believable fakes" Is this a ridiculous claim?
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