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Everything posted by BloomForYou

  1. BloomForYou


    Lifted Man and Simon Elmon it looks to me
  2. Ok I'm honestly so excited. But it's been over a year since Honeymoon so I'm wondering when the release is? I hope May this year
  3. BloomForYou


    ikr? the casanova uploader posted those to much to dream and misbelieving snippets again..........its so annoying bc these ppl just want attention like dont post if you wont post the full versions
  4. BloomForYou


    fake filtered vocal from the piano vid I believe.....we have a snippet of the real studio version and it sounds nothing like this
  5. BloomForYou


    yikes......10 months since "unsolved" it's legit been the most unnecessary music release wait ever... tho we have been #blessed with #leaks it's still annoying how she makes new tracks, doesnt like them, remakes them, still doesn't like them, makes new songs etc etc like release the album already homegirl
  6. BloomForYou


    lmao im kinda shocked... i didnt expect to ever see it but i must say it was so not worth the hype the visuals are cool but the video sucks
  7. BloomForYou


    the soundcloud posted the tongue tied video
  8. BloomForYou


    that's what I was told, but I think one of them was that old 24/7 "#collxtion II" post that someone here said was called follow the voices or sth (probs not the real title)
  9. BloomForYou


    soooo the person I've been talking to said that "too much to dream," "misbelieving," and a few other tracks came from the studio they were recorded at and has them all. If I get anything I'll share
  10. BloomForYou


    my god, i think this might be her best song ever...
  11. BloomForYou


    it was like misbelieving, some song called remember forever, and another the description said was from that snapchat she teased months ago
  12. BloomForYou


    Double Dutch snippet https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave2/ally-x-double-dutch Ladies and gents in 1411 kbps Bodies snippet (not sure if this is new) https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave2/ally-x-bodies Catch concept demo snippets https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave2/allie-x-catch-2011-concept-demo https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave2/catch-first-demo https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave2/iwlymcatch2011 New misbelieving snippet https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave2/misbelieving-1 3 collxtion 2 song snippets https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave2/CX2-SNIPS This is the jam concept demo https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave2/leak-allie-x-this-is-the-jam-concept-demo Day in the life stems Reborn acapella https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave2/leak-allie-x-reborn-acapella-dl oh my God stems Sculpture ( better quality ?) https://soundcloud.com/bebe-rexhas-slave2/allie-x-sculpture
  13. BloomForYou


    Guys in 4 months it will be a year since unsolved Home girl has no idea how to promo or release anything..
  14. BloomForYou


    Nnnn pretty sure the info from PopJustice is accurate.. there were photos and things that backed it all up
  15. BloomForYou


    according to that popjustice user ((I posted the info pages back)), thief sorry debut ((from late 2015)) and TLIV ((from early 2014)) are all for collxtion II also alexandra is from early 2015 i think.......or maybe mid. I remember she announced it sometime during the summer? Your right, I love the garbage is probably just an experiment track which I give her respect for tbh! oh wow it sounds really good they also posted a second snippet of the instrumental
  16. BloomForYou


    can someone please link to the new snippetss?
  17. BloomForYou


    Ive been in contact with that popjustice member who deleted all the info (I luckily saved and posted in the last page) they said that none of these are from publishing sites, and that they were all stolen from producers by fans who claimed to be Allie's management. Idk, I kinda believe it... there's no way publishing sites would just release new demos like this...thoughts? edit: I know that sia's demos are on publishing sites sometimes for artists to purchase and use but like is allie even that big / why would pub sites have her own demos made for her release? it just doesnt make sense idk is it the same as the 24/7 thing? if so can u link pleese, i cant find it anymore and was it deleted by them or did allie have their page reported could be either
  18. BloomForYou


    Hey everyone; From popjustice. Been following this thread for a while and finally made an account! Here's info that was posted on Popjustice by HighElitism that was deleted for some reason -Debut, Thief, and Sorry are all from December 2015 and written/recorded for Collxtion II -Could It Be Love is the real title of that track, no question mark -Naked Lunch is the final title track of the song, but East of Eden was the working demo title, not made for any specific release and is from April 2015 -To Better Times, I Love The Garbage, and True Love Is Violent are both from March 2014, with the latter being for Collxtion II, sent to Billboard to rework in October 2015 -Affliction is from late July 2013, not made for any specific release -Oh My God is from November 2013 (if you look in Allie's tweets from around mid-Nov 2013 she was with the producer, Sir Nolan) and was sent to Mike Wise to rework/finish in August 2015 -Catch 2011 demo was recorded with Steven McKay (one of her old friends, did backing tracks for his entire 2013 album) alongside the Hughes version of I Will Love You More -Catch 2012 demo is produced by Nautiluss (You, In The Morning, In The Garden, Phantom, etc.) in November 2012 and is the second version of the track, made a year after the first -Jabberwocky rehearsal is from March 2012, and was a rehearsal for the ALX setlist where Homebound was performed (someone has the soundboard) -Casanova (the snippets) was produced by Kool Kojak in April 2016 and was sent to Mike Wise to finish off/rework -Too Much To Dream demo is fake, made with the stems -Civil War is from November 2014, written and recorded by Allie for FRENSHIP's cancelled EP featuring Brett Hite -Following The Noise is from October 2013, same session as B*tch and Didn't Start The War (all produced by J Gramma) -Stupid Hat is from January 2011 made for Allie's collaboration with Thom Gill Friends Jammin' (other tracks include Busted Loins and Where Is Portugal) -All I Want is from May 2013 (there's a photo Tyler Kyte posted on his Instagram working on the track with Allie) and was used for Allie's demo reel That's all that was posted...hope that helps you guys!
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