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Everything posted by phahad

  1. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    Noir vs Little Girls (Put Me In A Movie)
  2. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    Noir vs Dynamite
  3. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    Million Dollar Man vs Noir
  5. two different shoots somebody just photoshopped them 2gethur :c the only real photo of them together is the mulberry (?) fashion show (I THINK) IF ONLY LANER SPENT MORE TIME ON THE INTERNET IT WASSS!! CAN YOU IMAGINE god i hope so!!! WHAT IF LANA MADE A REMIX TO ONE OF AZEALIA'S SONGS?
  6. let us never ever ever talk about anything, shall we?
  7. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    Pawn Shop Blues vs Money Hunney
  8. what im sorry what its 3 am
  9. whatever the hell happened to Lana Del Banks?! is the blue jeans remix the last of the azealia banks and lana del rey duo? gosh i hope not. what do you guys think? do you think they're gonna colab anytime soon or anytime in the future? i certainly hope so. lana is my favorite artist and azealia is one of my favorites so i honestly hope they do real soon. they're friends so i reallllllyyyyyy hope they decide to make a hit together, not a remix, an actual song. can you imagine how amazing that would be? do you guys KNOW anything? what do YOU think? xo
  10. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    mermaid motel vs national anthem
  11. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    lolita vs gods and monsters
  12. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    lolita vs blue velvet
  13. you're right, i didn't, why i do think she is a part of it, is well because, most people don't get this famous for having an amazing voice and crazy songwriting skills. i mean she might have idk, i'm not saying i KNOW she's a part of it, i'm just saying its not completely unrealistic.
  14. what i meant was if you actually read it :-) EDIT: read stuff about it i mean
  15. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    lolita vs dark paradise
  16. LOLL!!!! its phaHad AHAHAHAHAHA
  17. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    hhheyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! video games vs lolita
  18. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    thats just mean!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! velvet crowbar (i think) vs video games
  19. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    never let me go vs boarding school
  20. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    never let me go vs i dont wanna go
  21. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    NLMG vs Pawn Shop Blues
  22. oh i see what you mean, but they're doing it in secret, so how in the world would they know? idk it just feels weird
  23. phahad

    Song vs. Song

    Never Let Me Go vs Push Me Down
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