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Everything posted by phahad

  1. yaaaay mine finally got submitted!!! although i didn't tweet it that time but i tweeted it three times before so i don't know if it counts..
  2. phahad

    Little Boots

    remedy, earthquake, ghost, no brakes, mathematics and hearts colide and meddle used to be my JAMS back in 2008. THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME TO REDOWNLOAD HER MUSIC INTO MY ITUNES LIBRARY! back in summer '08 (when i was into her) i used to eat this very cheap but very tasty japanese candy and used to listen to these songs and play yoville on facebook dose wer da deys man.
  3. let's just take a moment, and appreciate LDR's signature.
  4. she's actually really pretty and she seems nice everywhere. what people don't understand is that when you grow up in hollywood you're bound to fuck up.. imagine being followed by paparazzi your entire life. rumors (big ones) spread about you to the entire world. and the stuff that happened to her and her family were not the easiest. i don't blame her not one bit for her acting the way she did because like it or not she was pushed to the limit. i honestly hope everything goes well for her and rehab helps her and she doesn't end up like Amy. i really love her movies and i do hope she makes a lot in the near future. also, thats letterman you guys, thats how he is. but she obviously wasn't as bothered by it as much as you guys think.
  5. again, really really realllly happy for you. i kept thinking about this last night before i went to bed and i had a dream that i too met lana it was nice and fast and not nice at the same time
  6. i am so happy for you!!! honestly!! thats really cool i'm really happy you had a good time (? did you? i mean you almost did faint so..). that is so great i hope the next time you do see her she remembers you. and now i'm late bbye
  7. phahad


  8. phahad


    well, if you've never heard of it, its this iphone app (not sure if its available for you none apple users ) but basically you get to send a picture to a person, for at most 10 seconds and at least 1 second. you can write/draw on the picture and do whatever face you want. you can also send videos. it makes the person who thinks youre hotter than ever think you're ugly. ANYWHO ITS REALLY FUN AND FUNNY AND MY USERNAME'S phahad so add me and lets take ugly photos!!!!!!
  9. mine says "There was a error in submitting your form!"
  10. yeah i thought so too, but the illuminati is related to the government and so i decided to put that up.
  11. also, do any of you believe in reptilians? i found these videos last night which were pretty creepy. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RPBa0JVi0iM they're pretty unrealistic but its very creepy and you never know what anybody's up to.
  12. mind explaining what a Project MK Ultra is?
  13. i'm so glad you posted a photo. love the spongebob decor
  14. you think this diva cleans? uhem.
  15. honestly i feel like a loser being the only one who posted the picture
  16. you must have a shit ton of ants
  17. nice!!!!! oh you know because mines super organized
  18. show us your rabbit (SATC joke) take a picturrrrr
  19. what were they?? ? ??? ??? do share with us oh mighty. i myself hate putting my books inside my bedside table. my school books though are on it. my other books are lined up over my closet/under the tv stand
  20. So for some reason I want to know whats in your bedsides so post a picture of yours! here's mine (its pretty boring): 2 wallets (colorful one i use, black ones the old one) box that has an older wallet 2 earphones headphones a bunch of alcohol swabs diabetes stuff batteries panadol (our aspirin) mouse (?) razor electric razor thingy PLEASE TAKE PICTURES
  21. i've been to disney land in california last summer! and i went to the one in paris when i was younger but never been to disney world. last summer my sister fainted... she was dehydrated and didn't eat the entire time.. she fainted while we were going to buy lunch.. but thank god we were already finished because it was getting dark and we've been there since 9 am i think.. it was pretty fun but nothing edgy/scary i was looking the most forward to that. i'm hoping i go this year though...
  22. she has the same hair in every picture, i think you mean the one with the scarf(?) hanging from her head till almost the ground. its not her hair
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