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Everything posted by phahad

  1. i'd watch the movie if it was out and a us version would be cool
  2. its def on my to watch list. thank you im pretty sure a lot of people stopped watching it after nathan meaning the views dropped. actors probably knew it was going south so they backed off
  3. i remember around 3 years ago when i decided to watch every episode of sabrina, i watched all of it on youtube. i used to wake up at 4 am on school days and watch it before i go to school and pull an all nighter and watch a bunch of episodes on school nights and stuff. not a fan of college sabrina but it was still pretty cool
  4. is nip tuck worth watching? i really think i'm going to watch it but its way too long
  5. i used to watch misfits till nathan left
  6. no wayyyy i love ryan and marrisa and seth and summer equally i watch mad men sometimes but sometimes i get really bored... thinking about watching all of it all at once real soon i reallllly want to start watching girls but idk sabrina and clueless are my fav 90s shows i love them i used to watch them all the time when i was young and don't know what the hell its about i just remember being in to dionne (clueless) and salem
  7. Well, I myself watch(ed) a ton of tv shows. Unbelievable amounts actually. Sometimes all at once! What are the current tv shows you watch? And list your favorite and why people need to at least watch the pilot? I currently am watching: Shameless American Dad, Family Guy, The Cleveland Show The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills 2 Broke Girls Pretty Little Liars Modern Family It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia The Office Parks and Recreation. And my all-time favorites are: Gossip Girl True Blood IASIP Entourage Dexter Sex and the City Curb Your Enthusiasm Weeds The O.C. Eastbound and Down Will and Grace Arrested Development I honestly think everybody needs to watch Sex and the City, Curb Your Enthusiasm and The O.C. Not a lot of my favorites will interest everybody, but these shows are amazing. All three are very much different, but all pretty amazing. What about you guys???
  8. pretty sure im having every single one of these printed on a tshirt
  9. phahad

    Miranda Sings

  11. i actually don't think dark paradise is as bad as everyone thinks it is. its actually a good song. the radio one is.. not my "type". but yeah i do like the album one very much
  12. "I pray your life is sweet if i go"... no? don't know but thats why i hear. and the last bit where she says "oh my god" sounds like she hit a perfect note or like got the whole song in one attempt.
  13. i love every version of lolita. favorite song ever
  14. it was my least favorite i am sorry i like it now i do i do -- EMPHASIS ON "WAS"
  15. biggest mistake of your life
  16. HI!! so well um i was wondering, have you ever met lana? what did you say? did you freak out? cry? laugh? hug her? let her kiss you? did you camp out to see her? did she say anything weird, something you can't forget? did you meet her by "secret"? (by secret i mean, meet her without taking pictures and when nobody's there. my friend once saw marina before (or after not sure) her concert but they couldn't tell anybody or take pictures, they stayed out for around 3 hours to wait for her to go out so that they can talk to her, she signed my friends shirt and kissed it and hugged him and stuff, so if this happened with lana tell usssss) not only lana, even if you did meet anybody else, did you do any of the above? just tell us come on grace us with your stories i love to read about these stuff!! OH AND POST PICTURES IF YOU HAVE ANY!!!! OR PICTURES OF STUFF SHE(OR ANY OTHER CELEB) SIGNED!!
  17. i like big butts and i can not LIE
  18. that is one UGLY ring (the jewel is pretty, its the gold band. *barf*)
  19. bresaola mmmm water doesn't count right?
  20. phahad

    Frank Ocean

    thank you kindly
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