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Posts posted by phahad

  1. i've been to disney land in california last summer! and i went to the one in paris when i was younger but never been to disney world. :( 

    last summer my sister fainted... she was dehydrated and didn't eat the entire time.. she fainted while we were going to buy lunch.. but thank god we were already finished because it was getting dark and we've been there since 9 am i think.. it was pretty fun but nothing edgy/scary :( i was looking the most forward to that. i'm hoping i go this year though...

  2. I really like their first album Phahad! They remind me of Placebo. :D

    Thanks for posting! I kind of forgot about them :flutter:


  3. They're good. I like the first album, but the other one grew in me over the past weeks.

    me too! the second one i thought was ok i mainly only listened to the only place and why i cry when it first came out and now i like every song from it

  4. I like select tracks from the first album but the whole thing is too exhausting for me.

    whenever i'm pissed like really really reallllly pissed i listen to both they're albums then sleep. i love them a lot like a lot lot

  5. It's an incredibly amazing band that i love of 2 :defeated:  theyre from my top 5 :defeated:


    i hope you guys like them :defeated:



    ((this is my fav but its too short)) 








  6. Of course it is! I wouldn't have listed it otherwise. :P Honestly, I hate most TV. I think it's a waste of time as a general activity. I'd rather be doing something more productive, (like sitting in front of a computer screen :troll:) you know? Nip Tuck is amazing. It comes off very strong, (it's a very vulgar show) but there's a great story with awesome / interesting characters in it. 

    its def on my to watch list. thank you



    The guy who replace him (Rudy) is good but they keep losing actors :/



    im pretty sure a lot of people stopped watching it after nathan meaning the views dropped. actors probably knew it was going south so they backed off

  7. I wasn't aware they turned Clueless into a tv show~ mite b cool. Sabrina is iconic though, constantly funny and just very light entertainment.

    i remember around 3 years ago when i decided to watch every episode of sabrina, i watched all of it on youtube. i used to wake up at 4 am on school days and watch it before i go to school and pull an all nighter and watch a bunch of episodes on school nights and stuff. not a fan of college sabrina but it was still pretty cool

  8. The O.C... GOD BLESS U. Fun Fact: Marissa Cooper is the inspiration behind 79.7% of Lana's songs, Lana is such a qt fan. And IDC Ryan and Marissa >>> Seth and Summer. Arrested Development, Twin Peaks, My So-called life, and American Dreams are some of my other all-time faves.

    no wayyyy :defeated:  i love ryan and marrisa and seth and summer equally :defeated:

    RN I am only committed to watching like.. Mad Men (when it returns anyway), Breaking Bad (so behind tho), and Real Housewives of Vancouver. Other than that I just marathon I Love Lucy in my room haha... I was watching Shameless (US) too, but I fell behind and now I'm just like ..whatever.  Also was on the Girls train but it got awful and I don't care about it anymore. Same with American Horror Story and Happy Endings


    i watch mad men sometimes but sometimes i get really bored... thinking about watching all of it all at once real soon

    Second-tier classics:




    Sabrina the Teenage Witch



    i reallllly want to start watching girls but idk


    sabrina and clueless are my fav 90s shows i love them i used to watch them all the time when i was young and don't know what the hell its about i just remember being in to dionne (clueless) and salem :defeated:

  9. Well, I myself watch(ed) a ton of tv shows. Unbelievable amounts actually. Sometimes all at once!


    What are the current tv shows you watch? And list your favorite and why people need to at least watch the pilot?


    I currently am watching:


    American Dad, Family Guy, The Cleveland Show

    The Real Housewives Of Beverly Hills

    2 Broke Girls

    Pretty Little Liars

    Modern Family

    It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia

    The Office

    Parks and Recreation.


    And my all-time favorites are:

    Gossip Girl

    True Blood




    Sex and the City

    Curb Your Enthusiasm 


    The O.C.

    Eastbound and Down

    Will and Grace

    Arrested Development


    I honestly think everybody needs to watch Sex and the City, Curb Your Enthusiasm and The O.C.

    Not a lot of my favorites will interest everybody, but these shows are amazing. All three are very much different, but all pretty amazing. 


    What about you guys???

  10. Where do i start  :defeated:  :defeated:




    Blue Velvet: well, this was the first (i think?) song that was actually confirmed for Paradise. I got SO excited and searched every single day for it hoping it leaked beforehand, but as i figured, nothing. so then, it finally came out and i felt my heart melt at the violon(?). i just love the sound of it. and how tragic and sad the song was in some way... it was just.. i don't know. i kept listening to it none stop for a month. it was just so beautiful. i love it so much. 



    Video Games: do i need to explain this? its the song that made lizzy lana. i love this song so much. it was the first song i hear, didn't pay that much attention to it. and i thought it was alright. till one day i stumbled upon the demo version of Lolita (all time best) on tumblr and went on a quest to find out which song it was. when i found it was Lana, i automatically started getting interested. started listening to Video Games a LOT! even though it was a long song(which i hate!) i listened to it from the begging to the end. it was just so beautiful.. like, (almost) everything she does is beautiful but this was just on another level. i still listen to it very often and haven't stopped listening to it frequently since then. 



    Lolita: this was my first favorite. i listened to the demo first, i loved it. gave it that dark purple bat comic pow effect (i know it doesn't make sense) this was my most played on itunes (the demo, the original was from the top 10) till i deleted every song on there and restored em. i don't know why everybody dislikes this, i love it. every single version, remix, whatever. i love it and it all sounds wonderful to me.



    Paris: i love this song, a lot. i planned my Paris getaway while listening to that song. and i do plan to flee to paris one day and never come back. ever.



    Off to the Races: i find this as a classic. still dying to find the demo version of it. i bet it sounds amazing. the lolita references her are the cherry on top. love it love it love love love it.   



    Noir: this song is so bad yet so good. i heard it the first three times and barely made it to the end. till i heard it once more and it grew on me. i loved it! i felt like she made this song alone without consulting anybody, made it over night while she was drunk, and i love it.     i'd say this is one of the best songs i've ever heard ((((judge me)))).



    Dangerous Girl: if this isn't one of your favorites you need to listen to it more. sounds a lot like Off to the Races and i love it. hope she rereleases it one day. but not too much autotune.



    Never Let Me Go: angelic and quiet. just says a lot about lana and i love the tune it reminds me a lot of a lot of things. 



    Yayo: ain't nuthn like LDRAKALG Yayo to set the mood right.




    Mermaid Motel: "you call me lavandar, you call me sunshine." that song made me think so much about lana's old life hence my interest in knowing her past.




  11. Yes! So I'm not insane? Or at least, I'm not alone. These two songs are my top 5 favourites from btd.

    I would ask if either of you like the Dark Paradise album version but I don't want to push it.

    i actually don't think dark paradise is as bad as everyone thinks it is. its actually a good song. the radio one is.. not my "type". but yeah i do like the album one very much

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