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Posts posted by phahad

  1. why have we forgetting about this weirdly faced queen?


    remember that one album she made "The Dutchess"? 


    just trynna make you guys remember here









    i have recently redownloaded her album, i remember buying it around the ipod classic era :legend:

  2. remedy, earthquake, ghost, no brakes, mathematics and hearts colide and meddle used to be my JAMS back in 2008. THANK YOU FOR REMINDING ME TO REDOWNLOAD HER MUSIC INTO MY ITUNES LIBRARY!


    back in summer '08 (when i was into her) i used to eat this very cheap but very tasty japanese candy and used to listen to these songs and play yoville on facebook :creep: dose wer da deys man. 

  3. she's actually really pretty and she seems nice everywhere. what people don't understand is that when you grow up in hollywood you're bound to fuck up.. imagine being followed by paparazzi your entire life. rumors (big ones) spread about you to the entire world. and the stuff that happened to her and her family were not the easiest. i don't blame her not one bit for her acting the way she did because like it or not she was pushed to the limit. i honestly hope everything goes well for her and rehab helps her and she doesn't end up like Amy. i really love her movies and i do hope she makes a lot in the near future. 


    also, thats letterman you guys, thats how he is. but she obviously wasn't as bothered by it as much as you guys think. 

  4. well, if you've never heard of it, its this iphone app (not sure if its available for you none apple users  :wtf: ) but basically you get to send a picture to a person, for at most 10 seconds and at least 1 second. you can write/draw on the picture and do whatever face you want. you can also send videos. 


    it makes the person who thinks youre hotter than ever think you're ugly. 


    ANYWHO ITS REALLY FUN AND FUNNY AND MY USERNAME'S phahad so add me and lets take ugly photos!!!!!!

  5. i was a conspiracy theorist for awhile lol. I learned alot about all this stuff and it scared the living shit out of me. I deleted my whole music library off my phone after hearing those backmasked messages. I had completely blocked it out of my mind until now..... thanks. But anyway, i personnaly have no doubt that some sort of fucked up organisation is influencing the governments, mass media etc. But ignorance is bliss tbh. When i was all caught up in that shit i felt like there was nothing i could do to like stop them i suppose, and for me that was the worst bit. Some of it has been proven like Project MK Ultra which began in WW2, and the satanic backmasking in music- in the 80s people started having record burnings and it became law to have a sticker on the front of cds saying that they contained backmasking(but that eventually stopped)

    mind explaining what a Project MK Ultra is? :D

  6. MxFwVZl.jpg


    Top: iPod dock, piggy bank, grandma bobblehead proclaiming "still the biggest tease", a gnome my friend gave me named Bucky Molasses, a lamp, a 3/4 empty water bottle, empty can of Arizona tea, ballpoint pen, Lolita, zero dildos


    Middle: SpongeBob placemat, thesaurus, dictionary, textbooks, mostly coins stored in those candy containers, a few Mad-Libs, Kindle Fire, cookbook, more textbooks, coin collection, Steven Morrissey and Johnny Marr biography, book of lists, random comic book, book called "CATS CATS CATS", magazine, zero dildos


    Bottom: Lady Gaga photo book, accordion folder, Alice in the Wonderland lunchbox full of more Mad-Libs and knick-knacks, CD book with mostly burned CDs and DVDs, every yearbook since 7th grade, Elvis ukulele songbook, more textbooks, zero dildos


    You can also see my cat's food (in a SpongeBob bowl)

    i'm so glad you posted a photo. love the spongebob decor 

  7. Good question, I don't even know... :toofunny: I'm not at home right now. It's The Complete Kafka Diaries, Disturbing the Piece by Richard Yates, Lolita by Vladimir Nabokov, an E. E. Cummings anthology, Anger by Salman Rushdie, The Blue Fox by Sjón, Andorra by Max Frisch, Berlin Alexanderplatz by Alfred Döblin and If This Is a Man by Primo Levi.

    :biblio:  :biblio:  :biblio:

  8. A pile of clothes I am too lazy to fold! A day old bowl of mushy cereal! A bowl of Spaghetti I ate for breakfast! 2 Sky Flakes crackers! 3 apples I ate last night! My kindle. 2 ipod chargers. My ipod. 

    you must have a shit ton of ants

  9. Last time I counted it was nine books. :toofunny:

    what were they?? ? ??? ??? do share with us oh mighty. i myself hate putting my books inside my bedside table. my school books though are on it. my other books are lined up over my closet/under the tv stand

  10. So for some reason I want to know whats in your bedsides :creep:


    so post a picture of yours! here's mine (its pretty boring): 


    2 wallets (colorful one i use, black ones the old one)

    box that has an older wallet

    2 earphones 


    a bunch of alcohol swabs 

    diabetes stuff


    panadol (our aspirin)

    mouse (?)


    electric razor thingy









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