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Posts posted by phahad

  1. oh i understand, but the catholic church isn't against homosexuals unless your having gay sex, also the church doesn't threaten those who do undertake in premarital sex and homosexuality with excommunication, i'm sure there are christian masons, but i don't believe someone who is a practicing catholic would be in a society against the church and also be under threat from being thrown out of the church. I'd also like to be clear that when i talk about catholics i'm talking only about them not the whole of christianity.

    oh i see what you mean, but they're doing it in secret, so how in the world would they know? idk it just feels weird

  2. to all those who said catholics are masons, yes there may be some, but since the second vatican concil there has been a BAN on catholics in freemasonary. If you need more evidence, cardinal seper in 1981 wrote a letter clarifying that the CATHOLIC church is against any masonic socities, it said the traditional prohibitations and penalties still stand, one of the penalties was excommunication from the church. In 1983 'declaratio de associationibus massonici' declared by the congregation for the doctrine of the faith repeated the prohibition of Catholics from joining masonic socities. So i repeat again you guys are wrongs, the catholic church is against freemasons, before you shoot me down again hows about you read more...done.



    aren't chrisitans also against homosexuals and premarital sex? yet people still do it. i apologize for the snarky "you need to read more" comment. what i meant that people are still gonna do the things that are against their religion. 

  3. Yeah, but have you actually been to libraries and read books on the matter, you know, actually research, as opposed to typing in keywords on a biased search engine? I doubt it. 

    no, i'm not applying that i know everything or a whole lot, i'm just saying, based on the stuff i DID read, thats what I (ME, MYSELF) think.

  4. This could either be completely stupid (to some of you) or completely creepy and scary. 


    We all thought of it at least once or twice. 


    You can call me stupid and crazy and wtvr the fuck else but come on, i mean first, do YOU believe in the illuminati? 


    Second, do you think our girl could be part of it? 


    i for one think it IS real BUT not as evil and dramatic as the people on the internet make it seem as it is. 


    but what do you think? do you think lana's a part of it? do you think she will be anytime soon? if you do, why? and if you don't, why?


    i hate to admit it but yes i do think she's a part of it. but to be quite frank, i dont give a fuck. i still love her and adore her and everything. 


    i just wanted to know what you guys think and don't think








    also, do any of you believe in reptilians?  :P i found these videos last night which were pretty creepy.








    they're pretty unrealistic but its very creepy and you never know what anybody's up to.

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