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Posts posted by Creyk

  1. I want it :oprah:


    Hopefully she talks more about her new album! I swear, every "stacked a cappella", "Spanish guitar", "western", "spiritual", "stripped back" adds a year to my life span.

    She usually spills the info when she is being asked, so I t all depends on the interviewer.

    I can't wait!!! :woot:

  2. Radio has the best demo version of BTD songs, after MDM, in my opinion.

    And also, thanks for the Scala performance link! I didn't see it yet, but it really is great.

  3. "He can’t keep his hands off the piano, ever. Whenever I’m not writing he always asks, ‘why aren’t you writing?’ We kick each others asses."


    Good Barrie, good!

    That's it, keep her working! :teehee:


    And also, did you notice? Spanish guitar? They are already working on the melodies and instrumentals! Yaay! :omfg:

  4. OMG so many criticism about my fav song...to me Body Electric is always amazing tbh :flutter:

    Although since the PERFECT album version I rarely listen to the live versions, because in the studio version her voice is so different, seems so distant, it totally draws me in. And I don't mind the repetitive lyrics, I'm sure in her mind it makes sense somehow. :hooker:

  5. You are the face of advertising for the clothing brand H & M, which is stylized into a film by David Lynch's Blue Velvet. It's the kind of aesthetic that suits you?


    Actually, I was parachuted into it, it was not something I would choose herself. But I love the song Blue Velvet.


    What does that mean exactly?

    One day her management called her and said: hey, you are doing this commercial this day and recording this song and that's that!

    And was she all: :brows3: well, if you say so... :pft:

  6. I don't think so, I think being in paradise/heaven was the end of the BTD story/chapter. I think Lana is moving onto new stories; a new chapter for the new album.


    That's a good interpretation too. :teehee:

    Then maybe her next stories will be about her vision of angels or something.

    I mean, she is a catholic, and in that religion she can write about relationship with God, and angels.

    But of course since she studied metaphysics she might as well take a totally different direction.


    What is spiritual about it ? 



    She achieved it through "spiritual" means :creep:


    For real, it could be spiritual if it was about her the effect of those things on her soul, her feelings, etc.

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