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subversive light

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Posts posted by subversive light

  1. I mean Ben kind of did but everyone thinks he's lying. If Lana said it wasn't coming the 26th do you think everyone would think she was lying too lol? But maybe people just took issue with the fact that Ben made it seem like the record wasn't done.


    i think he's lying bc he's the one who sees the true chaos so i think ben is trying to make us stop bothering him lmao

  2. guys IF it's a surprise release NZ isn't gonna get it first. i'm sure she'll drop it everywhere at the same time.....


    example 1: people at NZ/using itunes NZ can buy before UK/itunes UK users


    of course they're going to get it """""first""""""


    it's like new year you kno, they "arrive at" jan 1 before UK, so they're going to arrive in 26 may before us too 


    example 2: if our theory about spotify streaming is correct, maybe the time to release the album is 26 may at 1pm


    in NZ, the album will be released (at spotify) 26 may at 1pm on the country's timezone (and then leaked lololol)

    in UK, the album will be released (at spotify) 26 may at 1pm on the country's timezone

    in US, the album will be released (at spotify) 26 may at 1pm on the country's timezone

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