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subversive light

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Posts posted by subversive light

  1. I have called two local stores very famous here in Spain... They have told me they don't have anything in their system. However they told me not to worry because they dont know anything until the last day. So, if tomorrow at night they don't have it registered... Then, the album isn't coming this friday (at least the CD/Vinyl).


    I still have hope and I believe in a surprise release by Apple Music or Spotify. So, we need to contact with them and not with our local stores...


    but probably apple music/spotify aren't going to say anything if it's a surprise release

  2. update: i went to bath and went to pee before it

    we're not at page 1000 yet


    lets go


    guys lets try to smile

    tomorrow is thursday


    no idea what it does mean but if she actually releases the album on friday (0,01% chAnce i kno) its Comjng

    update im sleepy im so sorry elle dont ban me please


    im so excited to hear stevie nicks colab

  3. It had that urban outfitters album listening party but I'm pretty sure the actual album leaked eventually, idk I try to shut 2015 out LOL


    a few days before - not even a week I THINK, i don't even think it's considered a leaking



     I hope she releases a visual album on Spotify.. A girl can dream


    we all can dream


    i hope she comes to my country and takes a pic with me




    your dream is way more possible than mine 

    I think I did it with unidays (Im in UK) I can't remember bc it was so long ago (I have been a student for all eternity and will continue to be for the forseeable future #idontwannabeanadult)

    Oooh yes Grazia I'm excited for that one. I am so going bankrupt this era!


    i'm trying to get into the uni but you don't get discount for that ;/ in my country obviously 


  4. I think she will release as a surprise on Spotify.. Remember that Ben said they would do something about streams promo?  :troll:


    hope this bitch releases one more song as a surprise in thursday on spotify or apple music and then release the cd on friday


    i wouldn't mind a few deluxe tracks on apple music/spotify


    i got used to it since my fav song from the altar it's '27 hours' and IT'S ONLY AVAILABLE ON STREAMING

  5. LOL I have a student account, it's like 5 a month I think.


    If it really is an AM exclusive ill try to rip it for y'all when it comes (but don't tell Apple)


    ok i will keep a secret from tim cook


    our little secret


    no one will ever knows thank u




    i'm not considered a student even though i study 24/7 to get approved in a college i hate these brazilian shitty laws

    U only find it if u go to her channel.. If u seach nothing appears.. Omg  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :deadbanana:


    yeah i've done that



    what does that mean

  6. Well, it would be better if she released the album in all digital platforms: iTunes/Apple Music, Spotify and that would prevent it from leaking. (If she did this Friday)

    But I don't want her to take a lot to release it physically. I want my CD, my Vinyl and my LFL Boxset asap  :toofunny:


    in the theory she would take a while to release the cd


    even though it would prevent from leaking, why tf she doesn't just release the damn album in all the damn platforms


    ~i won't talk [again] about why it would be disrespectful and kinda asshole from her to release it in a streaming app~~

  7. I literally commented this after yall discussed it :lmao:


    that's okay bb <3 haha i'm kinda like that too



    guys could you please explain why is this so bad? like yeah it's bad for me because i don't pay for apple music i'm not a member i only buy the albums itself so i'm not helping in the streaming stuff but it seems like most of ppl are members in apple music

     how would this be disrespectful in general? i didn't get it sorry  :(


    i don't pay streaming apps too i only buy the cds


    plus: there's no need to be sorry at all, i was typing a text but gogodancer explained it perfectly:


    Well for me personally, I pay for spotify. I understand artists need to make a living too and I have always supported Lana from the start. I buy all her CDs, singles, merch etc. To then go and make it an apple exclusive would be disrespectful and alienate a lot of the fanbase who either can't afford the service or pay for another one already. Loyal fans would be denied the album for some time if they were unable or unwilling to pay for apple music. I mean not sure she will do it so I'm not attacking yet, just my thoughts on all artists really who do it. (And all this assuming its digital release first like some people are saying before physical).



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