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subversive light

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Posts posted by subversive light

  1. Just these songs + official tracklist

    No title yet but some people are creating theories that is space-themed Love who since they made Demon Days on earth and Plastic Beach on sea. In the plot, they are still looking for a studio

    oh my god i found it 


    pusha t, de la soul + SPACE THEMED (at least in the theories)


    i feel blessed .,.,. i love you jesus

  2. Some songs leaked

    They are "Andromeda", "Busted & Blue", "Charger", "Saturn Barz" & "Submission"


    im late for the party i cant believe i didn't know it


    what else has leaked? do we have a title or something

  3. i absolutely love them, i have only the singles collection but it's already something for someone who never saw anything from them in my country

    • el mañana and tomorrow comes today are underrated songs btw

  4. this is hands down the best she has looked since 2014, I'm living for these little instagram videos. She looks stunning. I wonder if this is possibly for a photoshoot, considering her hair and makeup seem to be done rather well? Or am I dreaming too big? 


    hope ur right 

  5. Because tampons doesnt exist anymore, right?


    it's a freaking joke holy shit


    ppl get bothered bc you tell jokes,., lana save us pls




    the only thing we are sure about the new album is that its going to take a long time to know more stuff

    im not even surprised if she releases it in july

    idk why but i think she is not going to say anything about the album (today)

    i hope im wrong


    im always wrong btw


    shit i was right

  6. The live performance of yesterday was mediocre, from all points of view. Lana was bored and it seemed that what she was singing she did not like. Being a fan of an artist means to aim for the best and stimulate it to do the best, do not settle for mediocrity.




    if i where there, i would be pretty disappointed at lana and y'all should stop acting like it was an iconic performance, she was bored


    but she is still a nice person when she goes to meet her fans at stage/street at least lol smiles and everything else

  7. i want at least 12 songs on the standard edition, a deluxe edition with four bonus tracks, a Target-exclusive bonus track, a French bonus track, a Japanese bonus track and a German/Austrian/Swiss bonus track. :fabcat:


    nonono only japan with bonus tracks

    more than three bc japan is a nice country and deserves it

  8. A contest from Polydor France :D


    Btw I was casually half asleep in the metro going to uni this morning, turned my head to see the station name and yelped. Does this count as actual promo :creep: And I got my Lasagna Del Rey tshirt on today so now half a train knows I'm a Del Rey stan



    i want to see your tshirt

  9. I'd be ok with that tbh, it means more things we haven't heard + a slap in the face to leakers.  It's a great song too tho, don't get me wrong.


    i agree with you, tbh i prefer it ,.,.,. i enjoyed the song a lot but i want new songs too


    and hell yeah it would be a slap in the face to the ppl who leaked it

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