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subversive light

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Posts posted by subversive light

  1. Also sorry if someone said this but did anyone notice on the live stream she said that more info would be coming in the next month? Doesn't that kind of imply that the album will be out in a month?


    yes I've noticed that, and answering your question: probably the album will be released in mid-march or april, we don't know

    lana is  changeable, i wasn't expecting a video a few days later when "Love" was officialy released  :D


    Best American Record

    Lana Del Rey

    Expected Release: April 3, 2017
    Rumored Tracks in Alphabetical Order
    Beautiful & Rich (Ft. A$AP Rocky)
    Best American Record
    Betrayal (Ft. Lady Gaga)
    In Your Arms
    No Sense of Stability
    Roses and Belladonna
    Subversive Road
    Wild Side
    Sidenote: This is NOT a leak, nor something that's been officially confirmed yet.



    genius is not a trustworthy source

    anyone can edit it

  3. Lana even made a song dedicated to the lgbt community you're all overthinking it next somebody's gonna say she's homophobic


    no one said she's homophobic and no one is going to say that


    lana isn't homophobic

    we had a homosexual kiss in mtwbt video, cola is a bisexual song, and there goes


    we can't complain about anything and y'all already like "oh my god stop complaining!!!!!!! leave lgbt and poc stuff for politics!!!!! i don't care about your opinion!!!"

  4. as I said in the other thread, it's a beautiful and interesting video, but I am pretty disappointed that it's all Heteros considering The Gays make up a big part of her fanbase


    me too

    I didn't felt represented in the video, as many others here


    there's no person of color, no lgbt, only white and heterossexual people


    lana wth

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