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Everything posted by UltraviolenceBaby

  1. mine too! i feel bad for seeing many fans trashing it i feel like it really does reflect lana in a very deep way, she spent years as what she said to finish it
  2. literally nothing its just me being mad for not having a boxset
  3. i don't wanna get excited for the trailers anymore cuz honeymoon and LFL both had amazing trailers but they were nothing for the singles so but she did a video for HIAB already with her dancers and it was took by chuck
  4. imagine there's no trailer and no boxset id rather kill myself
  5. no i don't think so because like its obv he's the one who's gunna take the 1st and 2nd one for the mag cuz he always does why would she mention that??? she never did lol, pretty sure it was for the album anyways they also mentioned it here https://lanadelrey.fandom.com/wiki/Norman_Fucking_Rockwell_(album) ps i miss neil krug
  6. did you guys forget the fact that steven klein was supposed to shoot the 2nd cover of NFR ugh that was gunna be amazing, cuz the 2nd one honestly sucks, she looks like a pop singer who tries to promote herself in myspace
  7. i bought them all and i wouldn't mind to have more since im a crazy collector and that b didn't release a boxset i'd love to have a "baby yellow" one or beige since it fits the font color pastel shades are the best for me! ps im so happy that we got a pink one cuz its my fav color even tho i prefer the baby pink lol
  8. if i get another snippet i will throw up i mean this era is literally full of snippets, i dunno i prefer to have the album with no snippets and thats why i didn't listen to any except CG lol
  9. same they're so sweet and i know she loves them but ugh, having them around doesn't add anything more to the stage and it's hella annoying
  10. https://pbs.twimg.com/media/EBETNi2WsAIYgRS?format=jpg i don't wanna be harsh but this cover is ugly af like sometimes i wonder why chuck even when she's her sis she doesn't know how to show the best of lana when she takes her pics she makes her look like a new dumb pop singer unlike Neil Krug who literally knows, and in the best way! and i hate the fact that Steven Klein was supposed to shoot the 2nd cover but it's end up between chuck's hands
  11. hope it works for you sis! beside the dancers, i really noticed that since the LFL began she rarely sings live i mean some songs she sings them perfectly but most of the time she just moves her lips and that's all ugh idk
  12. it is, for me they're hella annoying i love them they're so pretty but having them dancing around her for me at least is super annoying, and i really prefer when used to dance and sing alone but yeah that was LFL era brought to us lol
  13. its so sad that it has never been featured in a live performance by her she just sang it ones in 2018 when she visited the kids hospital
  14. i really miss her when she was alone at the stage and doing some sexy moves with blake damn i really miss that
  15. no darling look at the likes at my comment lmao it seems like ur the only one who likes them lol (besides the two who likes ur reply)
  16. am i the only one who doesn't like her dancers and find them annoying on the stage and thinking if they're gunna be on her next tour or not
  17. gurls nobody answered me is there anything new has released after the UO vinyl?
  18. tbh i was so afraid that she will let them be the directors and the photographer and the hairstylist and the makeupartist and put them in every video and every single shit like she what usually does when she welcomes someone into her life but thank god her 2012 - 2014 boxsets were the best but im still mad she didn't make one for this era i mean i got all of her boxsets even the singles one and i'd be happy to add the NFR but sadly she didn't make one
  19. wait what was so special about the NFR bundle in her shop? isn't just the regular vinyl and CD and cass and that's all?
  20. do we have something new other than the UO pink vinyl? the fact that the limegreen one is sold out and it was limited was just a shock
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