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Posts posted by whitelungswhitepalms

  1. People say this every album cycle. “I don’t think I’ll feel the same way her previous one makes me feel” and that’s okay not to. You have the right to have an opinion but we still have an entire record to hear. There’s stuff on there we know nothing about. Give it time and these songs will fit in where West Coast fit and other singles did too.



    no i completely agree, I definitely agree that since most of the album is unknown she'll definitely deliver on these moments that i want, i was more so voicing a bit of frustration on what i've heard so far, i always have love for 95% of Lana songs and so far I've loved them from this era, just waiting on that moment  ya know. 


    VB definitely made me feel a type of way and HtD too but still not satisfied loooool


    all love xoxo



    im not sure if any of the songs are up to par with West Coast but that's just me loooool maybe VB but definitely need to keep playing it but its so long so im conflicted fakfkajhsdkljfksdjh

  2. like i really be missing these moments of pure awe from lana. Like just remembering hearing that last ​he's got the fire in sad girl and just having chills run down my body, or like the prechorus of Brooklyn Baby or like the crash in black beauty, or the first time we heard the chorus of Salvatore and just feeling swept off our feet.


    i just miss these moment in Lana's music and as much as i can say i like MAC and VB they don't really come that close to me in that moment department except for like bits in the outro of VB but eh, HtD is the closest so far for me when she sing it live and those lines,


    ​and i watched the skies get flight as i write 

    as i think about those yearsC,

    and i whisper in your ear


    I'm always going to be right here...


    just hoping for more of these "moments" cause i wanna be a dramatic hoe



  3. hey gays, new SOPHIE new fan here and i was just looking to see what songs you would recommend for a new listener. I've only listed to faceshopping and i loved it. so like what other songs would you suggest??? haven't listened to her most recent album yet, so let me know



  4. have y'all noticed how her insta photos aren't doing as well as before....


    and as for yosemite, like if this really doesn't mean anything then im legit gonna have an aneurism, she knows how us gays and stans read into EVERYTHING she does...

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