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Everything posted by Belladonna

  1. I don't think she will. There's supposed to be magazines, interviews, and maybe singles before the album comes out. I'm hopeful for a tour, but I highly doubt.
  2. People have to be picky about everything.
  3. Everyone is complaining about her smiling.
  4. It's different from anything else that we've got. Give it a few days. It might grow on you.
  5. Let's all cross our fingers. I really think there's more news today or tomorrow. That one magazine should be out tomorrow.
  6. Would you rather wait until next year? A month isn't that bad.
  7. It's cute. It reminds of Springtime in the 60's or 70's. She's smiling, and she looks happy. I can't wait for more to come.
  8. I hope so. I just don't want to get excited for nothing. Come through Lana.
  9. She's probably staying in her cave all day, and we'll get zero information.
  10. I don't know if this is been posted but it can be posted again. https://www.google.com/amp/elitedaily.com/news/gorgeous-pink-moon-light-up-sky/1855156/amp/ https://www.google.com/amp/www.refinery29.com/amp/2017/04/148968/april-full-pink-moon-2017-spiritual-meaning
  11. Some of us are just trying to make light of a boring situation. There's no harm done. I'd rather this thread be filled with dead end jokes instead of talking about Halsey.
  12. I hear that Lana is also covering this song. https://youtu.be/KlujizeNNQM
  13. Chuck and Neil are shooting something I REPEAT CHUCK AND NEIL ARE SHOOTING !!!
  14. Belladonna

    Song vs. Song

    Beause of You vs. Live or Die
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