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white gold

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Posts posted by white gold

  1. Am i the only one finding this Poppy/Grimes drama boring?

    yeah one of them needs to threaten to kill the other one a la Azealia Banks or shut the fuck up. these white girls are tired 

  2. okay, i knew about the initial backlash on the mention of their collab (in fact my comment under grimes twitter status ‘collab’? got some of the most likes looool)


    i never knew that grimes turned to the light after that

    well poppy might not be an abuser but releasing the song against grimes will just makes her more of a piece of shit


    grimes is kind of unreliable so no one really knows if Grimes had the rights to the song anyways tbh.. poppy could technically do whatever she wanted if it was recorded under her label. Grimes might just be complaining for no reason 

  3. poppy abused someone?


    edit: oh wait nvm


    yeah no she just works with an abusive producer. it's kind of similar to the Kim Petras/Dr. Puke situation

  4. I think she was silent after Play Destroy being released cause she probs didn't want any more controversy and make her drama with Poppy public but then Poppy made it public and accused her of bullying just as WAP was released, so she responded. 

    And yeah WAP was the second song they worked on, which why I don't think she would have had the final version which did leak. 


    what you said makes sense. I still don't really completely believe any rumors going around right now. if some of what Grimes said is true, she could sue Poppy for defamation and releasing Play Destroy without her permission (if Grimes label really did own that track). so I guess maybe it will play out in court if Grimes rly feels like suing 

  5. Azealia got the tracks from Grimes. I think Grimes is referring to Poppy "leaking" Play Destroy cause I don't think she wanted it to be released after they fell out. It wouldn't make sense for Poppy to have the final version of WAP with new feature and leak it. Surely if she was to leak WAP, it would be her version?


    surely the leak isn't referring to WAP. if that was technically a leak, wouldn't it be super duper obviously illegal to release it under Poppy's album?? also she referred to the leak right after WAP came out, but she was silent after Play Destroy came out. Also I think there was a rumor that Poppy was supposed to be the original feature on WAP?

  6. it's not a rumor, my friend was in the twitter group chat where this happened lol


    but did azealia get it from poppy?? also "my friend was in the group chat" is literally a rumor if you dont have like screenshots or something. and grimes herself said poppy leaked it

  7. it wasn't poppy, grimes doesn't know it was azealia sending it out to fans in twitter group chats yet.


    i heard that was just a rumor? i mean i guess they're all rumors


    did she get laser hair on her upper lip w/ Tesla money yet? she hasn't had any bad pics lately so im curious

  8. Imagine if she added the poetry book in the album booklet!

    Lana has not made a book deal yet & was planning to self-publish it so...


    kind of hope she doesnt waste too much effort on book publishing and focuses on music. I love her random miss daytona tweets & would love just a lowkey self-released book 


    this is iconic thank u for sharing. 

  9. this was actually for a survival show called MIXNINE! Heejin, Hyunjin, and Haseul auiditioned for it during pre-debut, but only Heejin and Hyunjin made it on the show. Heejin actually made into top 9, i think. ugh imagine any Lana MV with LOONA’s cinematography and visuals! my favorite video has to be Sweet Crazy Love, Love Cherry Motion, or Egoist. but it’s so hard to literally choose a favorite because they’re all so good.

    Oh okay that’s why I didn’t recognize any of the other girls LOL. I was confused. Thanks!

  10. what does she say in DICKTATOR after

    "bitch im in chicago in my hot pants. dancing for the queers, and the whores, and the __________"?


    and does anyone know what she says in Hit Em (With The Recipe) before

    "________ and a chunky 808. that's the recipe!"?

  11. this is so hilariously stupid :air: what does skin tone have to do with any of this? charli also collabs with black rappers..?

    get a hobby


    omg imagine going on LB just to tell someone to get a hobby  :lmao:


    are you a bhad babie stan or some shit? oh my lord. ive seen it all

  12. girl u stupid


    it's obvious that the industry is trying to make a fancy 2.0 by throwing charli at a bunch of light skin rappers. ijs 


    its sad that she has to even be in the same sentence as bh*d b*bie BARF

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