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white gold

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Posts posted by white gold

  1. bhad babie is so stupid... why does the industry keep making choli collab w/ talentless hacks like iggy/tommy/bhad?


    if she's gonna collab with a white girl rapper, it should at least be Kreayshawn or something tbh....


    playboy style goes off tho :flutter: love ha!!

  2. Of course! With every era, there's been a matching theme.

    I'm waiting until some good NFR-era photoshoots come around to make a redesign. Fingers crossed she does some proper photoshoots soon! x


    (also, I'm planning on redesigning the entire website for this era to give it a more modern theme. LanaBoards has sort of had the same layout since it was created back in 2012. Let me know what you all think about this. I had planned on doing a whole modification months ago, but some people were opposed, yet other were in favour. Still curious to know before I proceed!) 


    I like the current layout tbh! We just need to update the header/bg once she has a good photoshoot imo

  3. Idk why y'all get mad when ppl are here for leaks. This wouldn't happen if the people with the *dead* tracks could leak them. Wouldn't that save all your anger & annoyance?


    this thread is literally pure chaos and you can never please more than 2 people online at once. this thread is my secret obsession bc of how weird yall are tbh

  4. you just here for the leaks then?


    i'm here to talk about charli xcx and yes leaks sometimes too  :hooker:


    i call you a bunch of circle jerking nerds bc it's true! and i love yall for it. :kiss:

  5. Am I the only one who honestly has lost the desire for XCX3 whatever form it is? I'm perfectly fine with her having a hit with this, releasing another single to follow up and then going back to the mixtape sound. I love all the original XCX3 leaks but those are DEAD. She has said it. I personally don't even think the more recent leaks sound good (White Mercedes, Blame It On Your Love, Shoes, Types), they sound very generic and dated to be quite honest. I'm not here for some sub par commercial pop project just bc she has a moderately successful single  :biblio: All I want is a mixtape in the first half of 2019. I actually quite like her current strategy: big single (ATAP) - mixtape (N1A) - big single (Boys) - mixtape (POP2) - big single (1999) - mixtape (TBA) :crossed:  Also, at this point the next project would be XCX5?? The only thing that would differentiate it's release is a commercial push but it kinda invalidates N1A and POP2 when yall call it XCX3. I get calling it XCX3 back when it was SUPPOSED to be that, but not now.


    sorry for the vent  :D


    you're definitely not alone. i dont even bother to read half this thread bc its just a bunch of nerds circlejerking over a concept that's never actually going to happen. its kind of pathetic sometimes 

  6. I think it's hilarious that nicki +cardi attempted to have fake beef just to try to emulate azealia's ICONIC, meme-worth instagram stories... 


    they already can't rap as good as her, and now they proved they can't even TRY to be as messy as her. we don't deserve azealia banks. she is gods gift to pop culture

  7. This is how we play

    This is how we play DESTROY! (Play destroy!)

    Gonna cut your face

    And break your favorite toy

    Drop the match in the gas tank

    Blow up your neighbor's pool

    Oh, boy





    this song lowkey saved my music taste in 2018 bc i've been listening to more experimental shit ever since Am I A Girl? came out. she really is that bitch

  8. I hope that didn’t come off in a patronising way. I’m making no judgement on what she’s doing, just saying that it’s hurting her vocal abilities


    nopeee its funny. the fact she knows what poppers smell like is iconic--there is no denying that

  9. 1. nuclear seasons

    2. so far away

    3. grins

    4. stay away

    5. you’re the one


    her best project


    she's right!!!!! this was the project that made me stan her to begin with... it's the origin of her entire body of work and it commands respect!!!

  10. are we still getting a second album this year? i feel like it’s not happening :crying:


    I've been thinking about this too... I just want something--ANYTHING

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