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white gold

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Posts posted by white gold

  1. I MIGHT leak something of her's on here soon. Just letting you guys know.


    can you tell us what era :flutter:


    edit: wait nvm you already answered i'm stupid

  2. FUCK LIKE THIS  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:  :defeated:


    SHE IS LITERALLY A GENIUS... I love this. I loved Queen Of Pop when it came out forever ago, and I'm happy to hear she produced even more ridiculous shit!!!! This stuff is going to be on loop the next week 

  3. How does Charli come after Lana in a music library? :lel: Congrats though!!


    I'm gonna move this to the Contest section tho.


    My nomination goes to legendary member @comeintmybedroom if they are willing :hooker:


    I didn't know if it was alphabetically or by amount of songs I had so I just picked Charli LOL



    Thank u to all my fans. I love this website!! :kiss:

  4. GOD me and my friend were just texting saying how fake this tracklist sounded and now it might be real? screaming we basically just dragged ariana unknowingly


    still not as iconic as when the LFL tracklist leaked and everyone dragged it to hell and back  :defeated:

  5. the song is not bad but it's dull as fuck, a tired ass rnb sample over a boring melody, like PIGGYBACK lol

    also I get she's young and all but she really screwed up with Pete... like how can you think you're gonna marry a guy you've known for what, 3 months?? and those tattoos? wtf

    lets just hope this Sweetener/thank u, next era is gonna be better with the new album


    her beautiful voice over a simple rnb beat is really all she needs. you pretty much described all the deep cuts on My Everything. Sweetener was overproduced af. old ari is back and I neeeeeeed it

  6. I like Clean Bandit's production but her voice is too operatic to be successful on 2018 radio. i still like it tho. at least she's not singing a song about telling me to put my phone down zzz

    I take this back... she looks hot af in the video and I NEED this song to go #1

  7. Slayyyter is a small DIY self-made artist so truly fuck off if you compare her to Charli in a negatively connotated way when Charli is known for making next level pop music  :hooker:


    she makes music just as good as; and thats the only comparison

    sorry you cant handle literally any critique of your fav. the person who does all of slayyyter's visuals (@glitchmood) is obviously a huge fan of charli's aesthetic. calling her a "watered down charli xcx" is kind of harsh, but it's easy to draw the comparison. facts are facts. sorry

  8. funny thing is Allie's music sounds nothing like Gaga's and Slayyyter's nothing like Charli's  :facepalm:

    their comparisons are the result of their dated, derivative, campy visual aesthetics. the music is diff tho

  9. her past three big projects (including super sunset) have had 3 different sounds tho....and idk what you mean by immature??? would you care to elaborate?


    she just acts really young and I hate how she makes the same face with her mouth open in every picture. I know its a weird thing to be annoyed about but it seriously drives me crazy. people who make the same face in every picture are usually like crazy insecure and I get really uptight vibes from her. the aesthetic of her music is pretty good (even tho I can't manage more than a handful of Allie X songs in a single playlist), but her visual aesthetic really gets on my nerves. every era is always going to feel the same for me if she keeps going back to the same face in every picture.


    i like her but it's so frustrating to have something like this bug me dfkjkdahg

    music doesnt always have to be so serious! allie is obvi having fun with her career, most artists cant relate


    I actually think she takes herself a little too seriously because she doesnt look human in any of her photos bc she always has that aloof expression

  10. I think she releases new music too fast and it results in all her songs sounding the same. at least she's consistent at best but I kind of wish she would grow up a bit more. her aesthetic is so immature imo

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