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Everything posted by Flowerbomb

  1. I can appreciate stripped back music, but just piano makes it sound so underwhelming. She needs some more 'oomph' to it, especially considering the melody isn't complex at all.
  2. I think HTD had beats to it. Lana livestreamed during studio time and Jack was playing around with some sounds, so hopefully it's not another piano snoozefest.
  3. We all know she’ll show up in her black Adidas leggings with frizzy straw-like hair.
  4. omg I haven't listened to that Kesha song in YEARS
  5. I'm stupidly holding out for something on Friday. Can't wait to get disappointed.
  6. RBFY deserves a spot on the tracklist, I will NOT let her legacy die so carelessly.
  7. I don't think anyone really hates NFR, we just hate how messy this era is.
  8. I just called my local music store and they said NFR will be in stock 17th August 2023
  9. I feel like there might be a bigger bop than Cinnamon on NFR and we just don't know about it. That's the hope that's keeping me hanging on tbh.
  10. Lana: *drinking her wheatgrass smoothie, slowly seething as she looks at her phone and sees Marina's updates get over 20K likes on Twitter*
  11. She needs to do a livestream, I don't get what's so hard about that.
  12. How cute would it be if Lana did have a baby, and like 5 years later she puts her kid on an album cover like this: UV teas
  13. lol I literally just changed it again, I'm currently going through an icon crisis but thanks! edit: ok i changed it back to the grammy pic lel
  14. lol tea. Remember that behind the scenes video where the stylist team were forcing Lana into that corset? they didn't have the put her in it but Steven was probably like "if you don't wear the corset then bye girl"
  15. Petition for Lana to rename the album Mark Fucking Ryden, I'm sure he wouldn't mind.
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