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Divisive Princess

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Posts posted by Divisive Princess

  1. 26 minutes ago, bluechemtrails said:

    the most important thing other magazines took away from this interview is the confirmation that she's single again




    And specifically mentions 5 months, which is the last time we saw Donahue (on tour in June)

    4 minutes ago, drippingbeaches said:

    i just put in a order, its ten dollars for a whole year of magazines, if you order soon youll get the LDR cover


    How are you sure that you'll get the December issue?

  2. It’s interesting how Israel bombs anything and everything and then claims it was because someone from Hamas was supposedly there (lies. All lies), but then we’re not supposed to believe anything Hamas says. We’re not supposed to believe death toll counts, hospital bombings, nothing. Where are they getting the information that there’s these Hamas people everywhere and why is there no evidence? Why is no one questioning it? If I sound ignorant and there’s some evidence that I’m missing, genuinely let me know. But I’m just shocked no one is really asking questions. 

  3. I feel so helpless and hopeless and angry. To make matters worse, my boyfriend is completely on the side of Israel. He's too tied up in the politics aspect to care about the humanitarian crisis that is unfolding in front of us. He just constantly parrots the propaganda talking points he gets from Western media. He literally claps and cries at Biden's speeches. The other day I went to his house and he had a fucking Biden mug and tote bag that he just bought. I can't get him to care about anything I send regarding Palestinians. 


    I'm so disgusted by this country and how blatantly obvious everything that's happening is, yet so much of the world is on the wrong side. It's making me feel insane, like I'm constantly being gaslit. I just can't believe there's a genocide happening in front of our eyes and the majority is cheering for the terrorists and I fear that Israel will never be held accountable. And even if they were, you can't bring those people back. You can't undo the structural damage. Idk I'm just so sick.

  4. 48 minutes ago, problematique said:

    Why are people infantilising Lana and stripping her agency to say “she doesn’t know what she’s doing, when this woman is incredibly intelligent and knows exactly what she’s doing. Just because Lana might be not be doing something we necessarily agree with, doesn’t mean she’s an idiot.



    Exactly. There’s really no excuse for this. She’s almost 40 and fully capable of doing her own research before signing an open letter. I can only hope that there’s more to the story/this was done without her consent or something because this is the first time in 12 years that something Lana has said or done has actually devastated me. Seeing her name amongst Amy Schumer and other “entertainers” that I have no respect for made my stomach drop.

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