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Everything posted by 111

  1. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    pop music emergency lmaoo the tracklist is a joke...
  2. 111

    MARINA (and The Diamonds)

    you dream a lot in your sleep
  3. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    woo chile what is going on here on this day
  4. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    lmao y'all reporting me every second to Elle like she gonna give me a wp... like she gonna ban me y'all are delusional you dream a lot in your sleep that's what you do... i'm gonna cool it down... for a bit... just because queen elle, my bestie, asked me nicely and complained about you f words being a headache to her! leave her alone, it's not her problem u can't accept the truth! wake up america sky is a fraud! xoxo eclipse
  5. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    visionary knows the tea
  6. 111

    Florence + The Machine

    girl u claimed the whole album didnt leave a crumb for us im claiming the bomb cause its gonna go boom in this bussy
  7. 111

    Charli XCX

    listen to grins
  8. 111

    Charli XCX

    anything but these (except waterfall)
  9. 111

    Charli XCX

    she saying "i'm finally free from your control" and showing the atlantic underwear... now...
  10. 111

    Carly Rae Jepsen

    now i dont have caléfornia after allll
  11. 111

    Florence + The Machine

    Daffodil Morning Elvis Restraint Cassandra
  12. 111

    ionnalee [iamamiwhoami]

    blue > kin > bounty
  13. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    here comes the joke police with a gross egoistic personalization who didn't even understand what they read and thought i was making fun of substance abusers and the nerve to tell me to touch grass and that it's not serious when some random stranger got them so bothered and fuming over the internet for something they misread and misunderstood. the amount of personal attacks and assumptions about me and my family over my ridiculous posts that are not meant to be taken seriously... this thread is a cesspool of projecting teens constructing boogey man identities out of me and fighting over nothing... you're fighting the straw man sis... i'm not real sis. whatever trauma or hardship you went through, we all went through bad shit but the solution is not to create boogeyman out of internet strangers and policing what they say so you feel slightly better and like you fought off the big bad villain. that's some marvel shit. this is actually some serious shit what you are doing, the inner conflict you have, trying to deflect the misplaced guilt inside and projecting it onto strangers. it's not healthy sis and should be worked with a professional. you felt better for like 2 seconds after those posts but in the end no one is to blame for what happened to your family or you, it's life and it sucks and it isn't fair, i hear you and i see you sis, but do yourself a favour and build some resilience cause the world isn't here to coddle you, world isn't a safe space where people have to tiptoe around your feelings, shit's not good for u & speak to someone. much love hun
  14. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    too many boys best song of all time
  15. 111

    Sky Ferreira

    i told y'all, i warned y'all about this girl years ago and y'all didn't listen! lanaboards you were DEAF! i tweeted and posted and exposed her in every which way, but y'all attackad and treated me like a madman! she is the madman! she is a mad lying cow that one! besties y'all need help (https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/what-is-stockholm-syndrome) and she needs rehab! yes she does! and y'all are enabling the highs of a junkie! bitch needs to be in a straitjacket, not getting more white lines and black beaches up her pussy thanks to you! stop supporting her! stop thinking she loves you... cause she don't! she only love the high and your coins! she's a narcissist fraudster who lied her way to the industry and now she can't be bothered to release music for anyone! this fiona apple cosplayer pretending to be the genius behind her music when she can't even bother to record proper vocals to the justin raisen and dan nigro writing camp mp3s sent to her! she's lucky the 3 people here didn't move on cause sky ferreira girl nobody be talking about you besides pitchfork and lanaboards the pits of the internet... y'all hyping this girl up i literally watched a live performance of 24 hours and she CAN'T even sing! what the hell does this girl do? she isn't writing, playing any instruments, can barely hold a note... should we call her an actress and model based on the 10 second cameos and 5 magazines or whatever she got on? hunty those days been over who is gonna book sky ferreira girl? the cheques are gonna bounce when they realize what a talentless fraud she is! what does she do? does she work in a starbucks? is she a librarian? HELL NAH! people at those jobs are more responsible and professional with their work than sky tonia ferreira! ELECTRIC CHAIR!
  16. 111

    Charli XCX

    nobody moved
  17. You snort it like a champ, let the winter, winter in That's how we do it like Mmm, pretty baby
  18. fiily: I met you on the boulevard, braids in my hair, you blew my mind Jazz in my veins, running out of time You can feel it and you're tied up imma be going thru this thread but lmk if y'all need anything
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