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Sylvia Plath

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Posts posted by Sylvia Plath

  1. well, perhaps, maybe, possibly…


    this is when the era was supposed to begin, and the leak just caused a gap


    This is what I've been assuming all along. She had to release the single early but there were certain things that just couldn't be moved up, so there was a gap. It makes perfect sense.

  2. You guys actually believe Lana would release a song she didn't write?  :eartha:


    Yeah, I really don't believe that she's not going to get a writing credit on that song. I mean, really, she even got a writing credit on Party Monster and she barely sang on that track. She'll probably get added to the listing along with the producers. I like all the songs they've collaborated on so I'm actually pretty excited.

  3. This interview made me fall in love with Lana. I thought she was so pretty and I wanted to be like her. I hope Lana decides to give an interview during the LDR5 era! 

    Q: Why doesn't Lana still talk like this? She used to say "Visually, Thematically, and Sonically" so much, it was cute! 



    There's a drag queen on the new season of RuPaul's Drag Race who did videos making fun of her (one of his big focal points was how much she used those words) and he said on the first episode that apparently Lana thinks he's an asshole, so she probably got tired of people making a big deal out of it and made herself stop using them.

  4. her instagram story. if you click her profile picture the story pops up




    nvm you cant see it now, she took it off


    it was just a video with a black screen and she said something along the lines "ive been working on my new album for the past year but i have also been working on a project on the side for fun"


    I wonder why she would do that if she wasn't planning on announcing whatever the side project is? Maybe she's referring to whatever she was working on with Miles Kane. She did say that was "for fun."

  5. June 2 as a release date? My birthday's June 3. Wasn't Ultraviolence due May then June 2? Anyways, I belive that cause the april 24th witch date might be preorder

    Yeah, and it wasn't it recenty registered?


    But what if it is an outtake… Wouldn't make sense considering chucks post and it being registered. But the fact that they didn't release it after the leak. Idk


    They might have thought it was just way too soon after the first one to be releasing the next single early because of another leak.

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