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Sylvia Plath

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Posts posted by Sylvia Plath

  1. She commented:


    "Hey kids, thanks for listening- it's OK that it leaked, because like I wrote it up there, it really does come down to love and the intentions behind the music. That's why this is the perfect first single, because this one is for you and I luv you."


    I knew it had to be for us. I love this woman so much. What a fucking class act.

  2. What is the rationale behind the decision to just throw it up on itunes, with no change to the website, no tweet, no instagram, no NOTICE for itunes, no buildup? I mean I know the leak threw a wrench in the plans. But you could at least try to build up some awareness and momentum for this. I wouldn't even know about the song being available if it wasn't for this board - and I am sure most people don't even know a new album is coming. I'm honestly confused. Is it a mistake that it popped up on itunes? 


    I'm sure they wanted it up as fast as possible after the leak. All that other stuff will come later. Getting it up ASAP was what was important.

  3. This song is so beautiful lyrically. Lana is talking to the fans, saying how she knows how emotional and depressed we can be at times, but we're young once and we should still find love and be happy. And in the last chorus, she replaces all the "you" with "I", making it more personal and showing that she's going through what we're going through. It really is such a beautiful song and I'm so sad that this is the way that it was released.



    the "stranger than a stranger" days are gone, ladies  :toofunny:


    :flutter:  That's why I think it's so timely and appropriate with everything that's going on in the world. It's so encouraging and hopeful.

  4. They could have released it yesterday right after it leaked, even just a few hours later or smth, that's a hundred times better than not releasing it since they're losing sales and even official streams on YT, Spotify ...


    Yeah, that's what I've been saying. They should have done what other artists do and responded to a leak with an immediate release. If the song doesn't show up on YT, Spotify, and iTunes today, then I honestly don't know why these people are getting paid to manage anything.

  5. Gosh, it's like they're standing right next to the fire extinguisher yet refuses to use it on the fire. "It's all too late." So dramatic. 

    But do we know for sure these screenshots are real? I'm only asking because I'm not too familiar as to where this forum gets it's info. 


    Other people might know more than me, but I saw the screenshots posted on Instagram last night right after the leaks started and now fansites and generally reliable people are posting them and spreading the information like they're sure it was actually him. I never actually saw anyone claim they were the person he spoke to and that the screenshots were their own. It was all people saying "Not my screenshot" and "Here's an update." I'm still hoping it's fake and someone trying to upset people.

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