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Sylvia Plath

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Posts posted by Sylvia Plath

  1. Wait what have her mangers been saying?


    There have been screencaps going around of someone contacting Ed on Instagram and asking him if she was okay, if he could stop the leak, and if the album was still getting released. He responded by saying "She's not ok" "It's all too late" "We don't know"


    I feel terrible for Lana and if she's in the bathroom crying and having a panic attack right now, I wouldn't blame her, but her manager should not be acting like this is the end of the album and the world.

  2. His manager is acting like such a teenager. Like grow the :)up and pull your crap together. Lana is a person yes but she is also a business. He is deliberately letting her fail by not releasing the song. I understand Lana is upset but managers are supposed to protect the artist and make sure their work does the best it can. Yet all her manager seems to be capable of is pouting in DMs and letting her team leak her music.


    I know! It's like he saw an opportunity to use Lana's misfortune to cry on Insta to perfect strangers and share very personal details about her career with them in order to get some kind of attention. You're not supposed to go around telling teenagers online that your artist is considering not dropping their album because of a leak before you even give an official statement on it. WTF? I've never heard of ANY artist's management handling business this way.

  3. still shaking my head over 'it's all too late'




    On the one hand I know that there's nothing they could have done to stop it at that point because it was all over social media but the way he reacted was exactly the wrong way. It would have been better for none of them to say anything at all last night than to do what he did. Unprofessional AF.

  4. Does anyone here realize that leaks can't be avoided nowadays?

    Even big companies (especially like Apple, known for keeping things secret until keynote presentation) are endangered by leaks.


    So, on Lana's level, leaks are a simple game for the leakers.


    I just feel sorry for her personally because she puts so much work into her stuff, so I completely understand her being mad.


    Right? The annoying thing is that they didn't respond to the leak by immediately putting the song up on iTunes. That's what happens when other artists have big things leak. I remember when Anti leaked, that same night Rihanna's people had the full album out early. It's not as bad there because it was after she'd already had the chance to do a TON of promo for it, but it's the same thing Ed should have been doing last night instead of playing with people on Insta.

  5. her team has only targeted a forum where the song didnt even leak and angrily message gays on instagram since the leak .........


    what type of "dealing with the situation" is that


    It's ridiculous that they could be around last night to be dramatic and messy but they couldn't do anything else. Why does she stay with her team when this is how they manage issues? I would be so mad if while my hard work was being leaked YET AGAIN, my manager was on Instagram telling my fans they might not get an album and that I'm not okay.

  6. ALLEGEDLY**** snippets of the whole album have been circulating for a while

    Oh, I thought they meant that other whole songs were being circulated publicly on social media.


    Her team knew this song was out there, they really should have encouraged a surprise release. It's like the people who had the song were waiting in the wings to leak it the SECOND promo was started for it. If they had just put it out yesterday at the same time that they put out the posters, the hype would have had less time to build, but the leak couldn't have happened.

  7. you guys, YAIL won't be scrapted since the promotion has started, the music video was shot while the other song that people have might be.

    I really hope Lana will say something about this and for once say to the people behind this how vile and stupid they have been . I don't understand why she has never spoken a word against them ?


    Yeah, I have faith they won't scrap it because it would cost her label too much money to just ditch an entire song that already has promo going on and a video prepared. They'll want to put it out and get what coins they can.

  8. I really hope this leak and stuff is a promo strategy bc if not the level of incompetence of Lana's label is amazing. Like Ed is responding fans on ig and saying "the album isn't coming out" "she's not ok" like man just do your job and stop all this mess instead of creating more. A good call to Universal could be the best solution to this.


    Yeah, like does he not realize that getting too close to the fans as her manager contributes to all this stuff? Stop giving perfect strangers info they shouldn't have. It's no one's business how Lana is feeling right now or if she's going to release the album still at this exact moment, mere hours after a huge leak. You should be figuring this out and MANAGING, not spending your time talking to teenage girls on Instagram.

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