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Posts posted by lauradelxx

  1. pfffftttttttttt bwahahahahAHAHAHAHAHAHA no okay I just choked on my water because of that thank you for that




    Ms. Piggy is that bitch



    Town or City

  2. The things I'd do to hear a whole Lana album of hip hop influenced songs, like Off to the Races. It would just work on so many levels, though I don't doubt that some fans would hate it with a passion. 


    oh hnnnnnnnng YAS ottr type album would be nice. I effing love off to the races. It's so delicious yet dark.

  3. Had forgotten all about this one, it's DOPE. Lana del Trap<3<3


    I wish he had made a seperate remix in the style of the first 25 seconds though, it's so beautiful.


    Ikr the intro to the song is so good. I also didn't post up there because someone already did but summertime sadness by ryan hemsworth is one of my favs. very hip hop ish like this one.

  4. here I go again in this is what makes us girl I thought it was "running from the cops in our white bikini tops" instead of "running from the cops in our black bikini tops" and up until a couple months ago I kept saying how I like it when ottr & tiwmug both say "white bikini" and I kept making references until I realized what a failure my jokes were like ugh 

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