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Posts posted by lauradelxx

  1. Idk man I still think Lana has beautiful fashion choices. Yeah, I expected more for the Brits but hey, she's Lana, she can wear a garbage bag and still be the queen. 



    I do agree though she should bring her glam back. Pretty much how she looked in the Burning Desire Video all sexylicious is how I like her best. 

  2. :crying: I AM SO HAPPY!! This will give her good promos for her album and will get her more in the spotlight in the US! 




    and I was just talking about how lana needs to step her game up. GAME STEPPED BITCHES! 



    plus jay z is making the soundtrack so I just remembered that  :flutter:  :flutter:  :flutter:  :flutter:

  3. I don't blame her for not wanting to tour the US. The US media has treated her like utter garbage, slandering her left and right and spreading the 100% FALSE idea that she can't sing well...unfortunately the population in the US (generally speaking) eat up any popular media-spread opinion like candy and are UNABLE to form an opinion of their own. People en masse just go along with it continuing to spread this false idea because its popular water-cooler conversation, and GOD FORBID anyone go against the mass opinion!! :facepalm: ---- but go ahead and feel free to spread the idea that Adele has one of the "greatest voices you've ever heard" and completely ignore all the live TV performances where she sounds like an agonied cow! We don't want people giving us dirty looks in the lunch line do we now??!! :facepalm:


    The USA is full of moronic music "fans" that judge their musical tastes based on how "new" and "relevant" a song is, and not on the merits and qualities of the song itself. They'd rather listen to Bruno Mars' new turd single because its "new" than listen to "Video Games" because its "too old"...its sickening how music has been so devalued especially in the USA. We have the collective memory of a goldfish.


    In the USA Katy Perry (who obviously cannot sing well AT ALL these days) is praised, given movie deals etc.. but extremely unique vocalists/songwriters like Lana Del Rey get treated like a pariah. I don't get it...  At least overseas they seem to have maintainted a generally decent taste and open mind when it comes to music.


    People were born with ears. Why aren't most people in the US using them????!!


    If the USA's dismissal of Lana Del Rey is what is preventing her from touring here and turns out to be the reason she quits making music (if those rumors are even true) I will be VERY upset with my country. :crossed:  


    *rant over* :)



    I get what you're trying to say and yes it is true about the media and how about people want to hear LMFAO and stupid music  but the US is big and lana still has fans over here. DEDICATED FANS. I speak for myself as well as others when I say that no matter what the media says (and they will always have something bad to say they've criticized and slandered pop starts like its their religion) she could still come tour in America. Not everyone just only listens to katy perry & bruno mars (which he does make good music) and dance dance party music. There are still those left with decent music taste and I know plenty of them. In the US.  :twirls:

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