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Posts posted by lauradelxx

  1. I've never been to Disney World/Land  :(  only place I've been to is Six Flags and Coney Island Amusement park



    But ever since I was a child I've always wanted to go there and dress up like sleeping beauty because aurora is my favorite princess and wanted to hug goofy cause he's my fav  :flutter:

  2. tumblr_mjxdj02P241r72qjqo1_500.png


    :thankyou:  :thankyou:  :thankyou:  :thankyou:  :thankyou:  :thankyou:  :thankyou:  :thankyou:  :thankyou:  :gurl:



      :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:  :raven:

  3. UK audiences seem tough when it comes lining up. I'm actually glad everything is relatively calm and quiet in Germany...



    With all due respect, I am well-aware that she is totally new to the forum, but still: how urgent can such a question be that you create a thread this informal with nothing but 'I want?' Don't get me wrong, I will shut up after this, but it almost seems to me as if she signed up only for this one purpose of asking this particular question. Besides, I don't see where I could have been nicer. This is not an introduction thread, therefore I neutrally replied. 


    Okay so let's stick together because after all we are all family #LanaStanProblems  :godlaugh:  :godlaugh:  :godlaugh:




    (if I offended you in any way I really am sorry  :shh: )

  4. There's nothing wrong with being new and not knowing how things work over here. But making an account and two minutes after creating a thread without even looking around is something which I can hardly tolerate. There is absolutely nothing wrong with having a bunch of questions and to look for answers, that's why this is a discussion board, but even that needs some kind of friendly shape. Especially when you expect something from others.


    I understand where you're coming from it should be that someone looks around first and then creates a thread. Also there's nothing wrong with someone telling her she should have looked around. But honestly you could have been nicer...or at least more considerate of the fact that she literally has 1 post and probably really needed her question to be answered. I'm pretty sure she gets the point now.

  5. Try to get there as early as possible if you want to be at the FRONT front  :smile: 



    First of all, you may look around the forum and notice the Shows section in which every show has its own thread. You may also say something like 'thanks in advance' instead of just putting your request out there without even checking if your impulsively-created thread is in the right section. In other words: welcome to the forum. 


    give her a break she's new when I first got here I didn't even know how to use a smiley let alone make a new post/thread  :pft:



    Next time though just post it on the thread for Concerts and shows, etc :)

  6. The one where she's interviewed by Myspace is one of my favorites. It just lets me into Lana's world and it's more serious interview. I love her funny interviews but this one she talks about her life and how she loves vintage movies and her life before she was "Lana Del Rey" My favorite by far.


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