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Everything posted by H E R O I N

  2. We (the venezuelans) don't even know what is happening right now, the government has total control over the press and the media.
  3. Well, we are surviving. Trying to eat a little bit less than used to eat, buying overprice food, buying rotted food, eating veggies, eating cheap things, working in 3 different works at time, buying food after clothes/shoes/smartphones. Just like i said, trying to survive.
  4. Is very harsh. No one can leave, you know everybody is scared to live in another country and start from scratch like if nothing had happened. Everybody thinks about their family. Is sad almost, all the time we live with a lot of fear and nervousness. We can't go out in midnight, we can't use our cellphones in the streets, we can't have anything, we live with the fear of being robbed
  5. I don't recommend that, people from Mexico sent us donations (food) and the government is selling it in boxes like this one:
  6. Same, all my friends were arguing about how she went from amazing videos likes btd, ride and tropico to basic things (LFL)
  7. Everybody thinks the audio is the original LFL MV
  8. I'm not sure if you've already heard about this theme, but Venezuela (my country) is in a social, economical and political crisis (yep all of that). We can't eat what we want bc there's no food on the market's shelves. if you want to buy something like rice, sugar, oil, corn meal. You have to wait a month and buy a box of food and well... you will have what you want but in short portions. I don't want to make this long, i'll left you many links about this situation and well i want to read what you all think about this. Venezuelan crisis explained in 90 seconds - BBC News All the story behind the crisis Why is Venezuela in crisis again? | Venezuela | Al Jazeera Yes, we were in crisis all this time. Why Is Venezuela in Crisis? | The Nation The daily battle for survival in Venezuela There's too much to tell behind this, if you want to buy food. You had to wait in a line maybe for three or four hours? sometimes people spend most of the time in a line waiting and they can't buy nothing. Venezuela quitting OAS in anger at pressure over political crisis (Sorry for my bad english, i hope you understand. English is not my cup of tea)
  9. the queen of new york city is back, and she's cooler than ever.
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