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Everything posted by H E R O I N

  1. Cry with Lana Del Rey old songs...
  2. Just say random dates to keep the gays confused and avoid the leaks...
  3. I tought was love with 5.5 in it's first 24hrs
  4. I love how she is keeping every era "alive & breathing"...
  5. We're arguing the same as everyone on this thread, LFL delay...
  6. Así es el mundo de la música, si no hubiera sido por la filtración de LOVE todavía estuvieramos pensando cuando estrenaría el álbum. Lo mismo paso con UV toda su disquera la mando a hacer el álbum de nuevo por el simple hecho de no verlo como algo exitoso...
  7. I would totally die if she sings something in spanish on the new album. You know i can learn the lyrics easily bc is spanish.
  8. What about all the kids? What about all their meltdowns? And what about all their wishes of the album being released on May 26th?
  9. Nunca pensé ver a alguien escribiendo en español De todas formas, it's what she deserves,
  10. Thank you Ben! All the meltdowns came early. I'm gonna sit down, put my heart shapped sunglasses and see how the gays destroy TAP MANAGEMENT and Sua Ripa.
  11. Thank you for your idea *making another survivor game*
  12. If Lana started to do perfomances on tv along with The Weeknd, the song would be a hit, but you know is Lana Del Rey B$CHT!
  13. I think the ribbon means something like the red string of fate...
  14. take off, take off, take off all your expectations about the May 26th release date...
  15. there's no release date right now, delayed foreverrrrrrrrrrrrrr....
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