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Everything posted by H E R O I N

  1. It looks like waiting for Lana to drop another Ultraviolence is the thing now
  2. She said a kroq's interview, her collab with Stevie is called Beautiful People. Beautiful Problems.
  3. Is one of the most likely to be in the album, a russian site put BAR in the tracklist before Lana confirmed 18 tracks for the record.
  4. no, i don't like vintage clothing do you own an album that you don't like anymore?
  5. btd: i'm the darkside of the american dream paradise: i was a singer not very popular one uv: i'm a misstres, i'm gonna talk you about my chaotic lovers honeymoon: i'm in a different place everything is fine now, i found what i've been looking for lfl: i'm happy, no more sadnness. what i care about now is politics I don't think is a role, is more like a stage of her life. All the artists do that, they try to sell the record and their image.
  6. yes. do you own a leather jacket?
  7. yes do you own your favorite album?
  8. Fans of Lana Del Rey have noticed a slight change in her demeanour recently - the winking, the smiling, the dancing. "I'm in a good mood," she tells Newsbeat after her slot at Radio 1's Big Weekend. "I'm really enjoying the shows I've been doing." Her new album, Lust For Life, is completed and comes out in July. "Regardless of how reviews go, I wanted to make songs I'd have fun singing for the next couple of years," she says. "It took me two years to make this record." Declan McKenna's guide to being a pop star Fans have noticed a difference in her stage presence too. She's added dancing and choreography with her backing singers, which she says took "a good six weeks" to learn. It does seem to add up to a usually shy pop star enjoying herself on and off stage. Sonically, she says the sound of Lust For Life "jumps around a lot". "It mixes a more acoustic sound to a heavier beatsy darker sound that's similar to Born To Die." She admits it's a "really long record" and says she "couldn't leave anything out". It extends to 18 tracks. People have already heard the title track, Lust For Life, her duet with The Weeknd, a singer she's worked with numerous times. She says he has "a one of a kind" voice and has "perfect pitch, perfect everything". Another anticipated collaboration is her track with legendary Fleetwood Mac singer Stevie Nicks, who went to high school with her producer, Rick Nowels. "I felt like I really wanted a woman on the record. We called her (Stevie Nicks) and she agreed. "I can't remember the last time I was so nervous in the studio. I'm nervous on stage but there's no reason to be nervous in the studio. "She was looking at me through the double paned glass and I thought, 'Don't choke.' I did my little riff… and I choked!" Back in February, Lana asked her Twitter followers to follow a spell against US President Donald Trump, saying that the "ingredients can be found online". It was all done with a wink and smile but the instructions took people to a list of items including "an unflattering photograph of Donald Trump, a bowl of water and a tiny stub of an orange candle". "I guess I was alluding to the fact that I just hope nothing really crazy happens (during his Presidency). "It was a binding spell against chaos. I guess it could be working because it could be more chaotic than right now… although it's hard to imagine that." http://www.bbc.co.uk/newsbeat/article/40073561/lana-del-rey-on-her-new-album-im-in-a-good-mood
  9. Download: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0B86vqsivUKNWb2Vpc21QM0ZTdEk/view?usp=sharing
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