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Everything posted by merman

  1. He didn't say that, you all need to fucking grow up you're like a bunch of window lickers
  2. The only member I mentioned was me I am mariah, funny how the other 3 of the 4 responsible are being so fucking defensive isn't it
  3. Why don't you see yourself out given you just helped reduce Lana's rating!!
  4. Full of shit you do know you're not really anonymous on the web don't you. Lmfao
  5. It's fucking obvious who it was you bunch if idiots, Me I Am Mariah is still going for it, yeah he wasn't a massive fan but if you think you didn't make it worse just so you can feel better about yourselves forget it everyone else knows you made it worse.
  6. I'll blame who the fuck I like and I know who it is, the question you have to ask yourselves is how much worse did all you make it, you're a bunch of cunts who clearly don't have a conscience.
  7. You can thank yourself and some others from here for that shit review John Williams!! If you all just left him alone it wouldn't have been so bad. Bunch of twats.
  8. ...and ask if she sees an early death as glamorous. "I don't know. Ummm, yeah."
  9. Don't think so think she tweeted that 'I want to die' is part of Ultra marketing campaign. Sad thing is ... it probably was.
  10. Trucker pills are just to keep you awake like ProPlus (caffeine pill) or Speed (amphetamine) Doesn't sound like Lana wants to die anymore lel
  11. That's not feminism lel, you sound like you know what feminism means as much as Perry, Gaga, Taylor, Gomez and Lana, it's just another massive shout out for 'I'm thick as fuck and just reinforcing that for ya' lmao
  12. Whore is a misogynistic word, it's a derogatory hate word used only to the female gender although there are plenty of male whores the term for that only exist in the urban dictionary whereas whore has always been specifically attributed to women. Just saying
  13. Her vocal on cruel would sounds way too much like 'I wannabe PJ(fucking gorgeous)Harvey'
  14. Ha so many of you assume I'm a bloke this thread page 260 radio interview, seriously though don't believe everything she says a lot of it is made up
  15. I guess but misogyny is normally the term to describe hatred of women from men, a lot of the critics were female and their critiquing of Lana was based on her own misogyny of women; denigration of women, violence against women, and sexual objectification of women. So I guess you could argue that Lana is as much of a misogynist as her critics and she's already playing that card in her 'art' rather than misandry. You could also argue that is her problem that she brought on herself.
  16. I am chilled dude, so many ultra-sensitive posts, I'm just having a laugh. Not sure about a Lana compulsive lying thread, tbh it would be really messy and quite boring after a while.
  17. Did you not read it? We were discussing Lana's compulsive lying and pseudo anomalistic illness, seemed pretty relevant given the interview we were discussing is in this thread a couple of pages back. Are you sure you don't take things to seriously, you seem a bit jobs worth like you want a staff position or summat. I think you'd be really good at it.
  18. I think I was replying to @@Lanakai post to me, yeah I'm pretty sure that's what I was doing.
  19. Cause I don't take myself too seriously and I'm not up my own arse... Unlike some people.
  20. Yeah I'm saving my colonoscopy details for another time.
  21. I think the same that's why I hate listening to/reading her interviews, like I just listened to that one and she admits she signed to universal before video games and she made this massive fuss back then that she was signed after cause she wanted to look indie. Your poor brother that's a nightmare like 10 years!! I get it with Kurt suffering for 6 yrs cause it was 25 years ago and the specialists were probably shit but now they are more knowledgable and advanced. Glad your brother got sorted in the end, we have it in our family and crohn's. I'll never forget my endoscopy I got offered to be sedated or just have throat anaesthetic I went for that cause I thought if I was awake they would be more gentle, they rammed a tube like an inch thick down my throat into my gut and I couldn't stop retching and belching like massive barfs, blargh bleeegh bleagh they were so loud and I couldn't stop and it was like funny and disturbing at the same time. I kind of got historical laughter but couldn't really laugh cause I was in pain, then water just started streaming out my eyes like so much water and then my nose got so snotty I couldn't breath anymore cause there's the giant tube down my throat and the dr's like are you alright! I couldn't say anything cause of the fuck off giant camera tube inside and just belched and retched some more. He said my gut lining looked really red and inflamed and he was going to take a sample for biopsy so he feeds another tube down the big one and I actually feel him pulling bits of my gut out with this thing, it felt so wrong and all the time I'm blleaahh bleeegh. Seriously if anyone has to have this procedure take the sedative and get knocked out it was too fucking freaky I'm still scarred, seriously it was like an alien autopsy, I got treated really quick though in about a year and my sister they sorted her out real quick in a few months she was really bad, we just both have ultra sensitive guts and allergic/intolerant to most food, basically a really shit immune and digestive system.
  22. Thanks, I think my theory is spot on. Do you think she's just talking shit? I haven't actually listened to her in the interview yet but I was just thinking that's not right 3 years for an ulcer diagnosis, don't think so and anyone with stomach issues is pretty much ultra skinny cause their gut just can't handle food and not being mean but Lana is looking like bigger than ever. There is an interview with Kurt talking about his gut I'm pretty sure he said he never had a definite diagnosis cause the dr's are crap but is was agreed it was a stress related illness whereas ulcers are caused by a bacterial infection eww
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