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Everything posted by Bestest

  1. On men too. Did ever see a advertising with fat old guy witH poor teeth selling clothes? The men artists also have to look good. Is pressure for everyone to be pretty.
  2. There is always "whats is wrong with her face". When they write about Lana. Nothing new Maybe she wants to change her music style? Maybe she is the type that gets the boyfriend of the hour style. Dressing like barrie now. Maybe she is older? I heard and read that she is older than 27 lana is hot even using a garbage bag as a dress
  3. Bestest

    Marry , Fuck , Kill

    Kill sasuke Marry sponge bob Fuck daria Lady Gaga Paris Hilton Katie Price Good luck on the fuck part
  4. I feel that Barrie drinks a lot. If you were able to smell it is because he had a lot of drinks.
  5. Lets all be genderless. Lets all dont have any preconceived idea since is a prejudice. Which basically means not think at all since any thought is conceived somehow. People discriminate mostly because they fear something that is different to them or not accetable in their mind. My example was a failed attemp to make a point in a real life commom situation when a guy's action would be based in gender.
  6. Wowww double rainbow wow oh my God. Triple rainbow . Oh my God so pretty. I want badly wat he took. Thnks for reminding me of this classic
  7. Everything will be sexist by such standards and everyone will be sexist. Unless you' re a potato you express some sort of opinion even if is neutral or numb, when talking about genders. I know the definition you wrote is the by the book dictionary one. Its not wrong but can you say such thing is possible? When I think of sexism the word discrimination is what comes to my mind maybe its why calling me sexist bugs me so much to the point I couldnt not answer. You didn't upset me but you must see that this cant be based on my original comment about girls liking Amy's haircut or hairdo or what is called more. Its a different conversation. I enjoy such conversations and have them often with friends. I can have them with you as much as you want if you want. Just answer me one thing. Let's assume you are a girl. We dont know each other. You did some grocery shop. The bag is heavy for you. I see you and offer to carry your bags. Its that sexism? Kindness? Did I judge you by being a girl? Was offensive the thought that is easier for me to carry the bags? Did I for some reason offend you capacity?
  8. Those photos are creepy. Some paparazzi are really scum. Talk about invade someones pepsi pussy privacy.
  9. Whatever not going to comment again. Going back to my sexist cave...wtf
  10. Great choice of name. Did you achive Ataraxia yet? I only have those type of talks drinking a beer. I will open one now and only hope you open one for yourself. Yes I was generalising but what I said is true. I can accept the fact I was generalising you're right about that. But sexism involves discrimination and I didnt discriminate anyone. I should have said usually though. Sexism gets the same ism of racism and those ism's are an extent of what is wrong with society. Making a general comment like I did is one thing discriminating someone who doesn't fit the general comment Is another thing. Sexism is not only making a general comment about genders but discriminating those genders in a critical not positive way which I didnt did.
  11. I don't know. Rihanna is a though chick. She has seen things and being through things that shouldn't happen to any chick. Lana is lost in her poetry and old movies. Lanas fantasy lirics are nothing compared to what Rihanna lived in real life. But I dont know who would verbally win. Rihanna is funny thats why I mention her.
  12. Apparently I'm a sexist that lives in a cave. Talk about getting the words all wrong. My comment about AW hair its not sexist. I look at a james bond suit and think nice suit maybe I should get one of those. A chick looks and thinks nice suit. What would she do with one of those? Same thing with AW hair. I see and think cool. A chick sees and thinks maybe she should do that to her hair. Thats was all that I meant. Nothing sexism related. For the record I never go for the submissive type of girl. Girls who know what they want, that are smart, sure of themselves are my type of chicks.
  13. Why they would do that? If ever was a feud would be better with Rihanna. RiRi has better answers in feuds also Minaj. Gaga is in bed now.
  14. Now imagine if was me saying such thing lol I got heat for calling Amy W ugly and talented. Which is true. You call Lana duck lips, Adele obese and Gaga ugly and get away with it. Just so you know I agree with you
  15. Chill people. I think Amy W is outstanding, successful, fucking amazing musician. I get chicks dig her hair, her say style. I think is nice and cool also. But no one in this planet can convince me that Amy is pretty or sexy or anything close to that. Sorry. I like Adele so I will now start telling everyone she is thin, runaway model thin. Sounds right?
  16. If beauty was definitive or that important we would never hear about Amy winehouse that was one ugly super talented chick.
  17. I saw that thread. I did some reading and digging on that thread. Your theories are very interesting by the way dude. Some stuff you connect and say are gold. Gonna do some real reading on that when I have some time. Lots of info I imagine. Sorry for the ignorance here gonna look LDR for begginers. So video games was about the computer dude also? How many this chick has dated? Shame I was not one of the lucky ones
  18. I know you had a lot of work translating dude but the translation makes me confused.. The dude she was with was not the one who left her to do or sell drugs? Now she says he was spending too much time with the computer? In the end who cares Lana looks hot and sexy level 11 in that photo.
  19. Hey even if she had some sort of mental issue she would still be great. I was just ya know thinking. Seems off to me. I get the weird though.Must be just that. Seeing things here. Thanks for answering and I really like your Lana picture.
  20. Several reasons. The way she speaks, what she says, the way she acts. Her speech at GQ was very strange. In interviews and live shows she seems very off .
  21. Sometimes I have the impression Lana has some sort of mental issue. Anyone knows if my impression is correct or wrong?
  22. Now lana is a real pussy cola. Your gif is a pepsi away from perfection.
  23. Murlberry should have done a smile clause on lanas contract. She looks pretty but very Emo.
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