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Pink Champagne

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Everything posted by Pink Champagne

  1. She just said new merchandise tomorrow my bank account is shook
  2. Beautiful aesthetics. She looks great. But I kept waiting for something to happen and nothing ever did. Definitely doesn't fit White Mustang
  3. Yeah I understand that but considering it is still technically unreleased, I doubt she would just release a video for it. It would be awesome, but I don't think it's happening.
  4. Yeah you're right, since there have been other terrible things, we can't be upset about this happening. Great logic. I'll use it for everything.
  5. We got an orange toddler running the country ok we are stressed tf out. Everything is a crisis here
  6. This has me stressed According to an article, it is only $10 to search for celebrities on the dark web site the hackers set up. So that's where the $10 came from.
  7. Although I love LFL I do hope the next album doesn't have the trap beats. It works with some of the songs but I hope the next album is more like HM
  8. So several times now I have listened to the albums in full to determine which is best and which is least best (let's be real none of them are bad) And every time, with every album, I think "ok this is her best one"
  9. That instrumental has me in tears. Why is it better than the actual song. How
  10. The BL demo, based on that snippet, is 6000x better than the final
  11. Is that a guitar in SS? I can't think of how to describe that sound
  12. I wish I knew how to save stuff from instagram I wasn't prepared
  13. I'm sure this gets asked often but how does he actually get these songs? I've always wondered how this sort of thing works.
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