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Posts posted by FROGGO

  1. ok while we're on the topic of feminism, everybody (outside the fanbase) has been saying that her lyrics are always antifeminist and the themes are always about her depending on men etc BUT i think it's pretty apparent in some other lyrics that she does believe in female empowerment. most obvious example would be the bridge of the TIWMUG demo ("this is what makes us girls now baby its why we rule the world now baby") other examples would be in driving in cars with boys, kinda outta luck, she's not me... that's just my opinion :whatever: she's not anti feminist by any means

    i particularly like the line "you should never come between a woman and her dreams, and a man who never knew his place"....  :smokes3: 

  2. “For me, the issue of feminism is just not an interesting concept,” she says. “I’m more interested in, you know, SpaceX and Tesla, what’s going to happen with our intergalactic possibilities. Whenever people bring up feminism, I’m like, god. I’m just not really that interested."




    If she doesn't care about feminism, I don't think people should give her shit about it, to be honest.

    Um, it'd be one thing if she said something like, "Feminism or lack thereof does not enter my consciousness when writing songs, nor should it have to. To be frank, I just don't have an interest in feminism. I also don't believe that art should have to adhere to ~socially correct~ conventions nor should it have to be ~progressive~. I write about my fucking personal experiences, and I'm not about to comprise my art to pacify those that don't respect how I chose to live my life with the person I loved during a time I felt happy and fulfilled." 


    But no, she didn't. It's one thing to state a lack of engaged/active interest, it's another to DISMISS a social and political movement that has undoubtedly bettered the lives of countless women around the world, including HER. Christ. Cringing hardcore at the "LOLOL FEMINISM IS SILLY AND TRIVIAL IN COMPARISON TO SPACE AND SCIENCE I AM SMART". It just kills me when Lana does her faux-intellectual schtick (politics, metaphysics, etc), because she always comes out looking like a complete idiot. 

  3. Well, that's why i said "would be" ^^


    And don't call me disrespectful, I've got lots of social workers in my family, I know what the job is about and that it's not all fun and games.

    I just wanted to say that she's a good person and would have been qualified for this job tzoo if she wouldn't have become a singer.

    "Don't put labels on people" as you said so nicely.

    Not going to argue semantics with you, but okay. You definitely implied she was formerly a social worker.  :facepalm:

  4. She's such a good person! I heard she once worked as a social worker. Guess if she wouldn't have made it to the singer we all love, she'd be a wonderful streetworker too!

    You can see her social worker training has stuck with her for all these years. 

    I'm sorry, but we have to stop with this "social worker" thing. It's a profession which requires years and years of schooling, in Canada, a 4-year degree. Point is, you have to reach certain qualifications and have certain certificates, and you undergo intense practicums and counsellor training.  


    Lana is NOT a social worker. She did volunteer work, but is in no way a social worker. 


    If you trip and fall and have a gash on your knee and your mom puts on a bandaid on, does that make her a doctor? NO. Your friend comes to you to confide and work out their problems. Does that make you a psychologist? NO. 


    It's really not any different. Doctors work incredibly hard to meet their qualifications, as do social workers. It's disrespectful to their achievements and work when you undermine their profession by slapping a label onto anyone that does anything that vaguely resembles their career. Christ.

  5. No way! Really? :O I was under the impression there was a seventh video floating around this entire time! Oh well. 


    This list could use an update that case considering the third "Kinda Outta Luck" leaked as well! That means we only need "Queen of the Gas Station" and "Smarty" :(

    List updated! :) 

  6. I'm REALLY happy that Lana worked with Dan for this record and chose a different director (can't recall his name, too lazy to look it up :creep:). From the little we've seen, I'm positive that this will be a very successful era, with Lana winning the critics over and in turn, encouraging her NOT TO WORK WITH THE SAME PEOPLE ALL THE DAMN TIME  because this floppy seal pup hates it. 

    I understand that artists often have consistent / life-long collaborators but I couldn't handle any more of the same sounds.  :ohno:  :ohno:  :ohno: 

    It'd be especially a pity if she stuck with "the same three guys" after being exposed to all the damn genres she can so effortlessly do  :defeated: 



  7. Well looking over you're certainly right you haven't called anyone wrong[i/] and perhaps I did get a little bossy, mainly just cause I'm a stan trying to defend my fave from a "hater" (or in this case someone with slightly negative opinions about them) but I mean if you don't like it, for the sake of those who are[i/] excited, you could try toning it down slightly if you wanted to. Even if you haven't enjoyed some of the new material so far. Not telling you what to do, your opinion is is your opinion. I'm not trying to get into a fight or anything but tell me. Do you really dislike all the tracks so far. Ultraviolence, Shades Of Cool, Brooklyn Baby, West Coast?

    Cause so far the only example you've given is Brooklyn Baby.

    Just a genuine question.

    TBH, I like all the tracks we've heard so far. :creep:




    I love the production and tempo changes of West Coast and Shades of Cool, and the psychedelic guitar accompanied by her ad-libbing/wailing on the latter is one of my favourite parts of any Lana song, ever. 


    Ultraviolence (the title track, I mean) strikes me as one of those hypnotic songs and the spoken bridge is sexy, sexy, sexy. And finally, I don't hate Brooklyn Baby... to me, its just unremarkable, but I mean, we've heard like a teeny tiny bit of it so the capacity for it to grow on me is still there. It does have a good vibe/mood to it, I have to say, so I do kinda like it. 


    I'm very happy with Dan as a producer and I feel like Lana is finally making the music I wanted her to make, that I didn't know I wanted, if that makes any sense? haha :3 


    I like the aesthetic this era, from the grunge-inspired look to the black and white of promo videos and artwork. I'm hopeful that Lana can get the critics in her favour, because I think it would really increase her confidence and it would mean a lot to her. I'm excited for her and I'm excited for us, as a fanbase!





  8.  If this era produces music you'd rather not listen to then I'd understand your dissapointment but it just seems selfish to try to bum the rest of us out when we're getting all hyped and trying to diminish our opinions by saying "no your wrong, this is shit"

    A) I haven't seen anyone in this thread saying that someone's opinion is WRONG.


    B) I don't know, it strikes me as kind of selfish when you try to dictate an already on-topic conversation on a forum because you don't like what's being said.


  9. If I would have felt this way about an artist I would never listen to it, and surely I wouldn't moderate a forum about that artist. :toofunny:  I mean.. you are serious?! You are saying basically  that her work is shit and she's lacking any real artistry. Can you be honest and make an estimation of how many ours you listened to her "superficial" songs?  :creep:

    I don't equate "liking pretty things and being subversive" to "lacking any real artistry" and "her work [being] shit", but apparently you do. Please refrain from putting words in my mouth.


    The aforementioned characteristics of her work are why I like her. You don't actually think I choose to moderate a forum for an artist whose work I have little respect for? Christ. 

  10. The part were I said Obama does more TV Celeb Shows then speeches from the White House didn't give you a clue? :hooker:  well it's quite simple in my mind and was actually a topic of discussion back in the day in LDR BRA.  Obama has a twitter, goes on Celeb shows, invites celebs to official events. Oprah was responsible for 10% of his votes. The power of information are changing and with that the power of WHO can elect you also changes. A celeb today can influence your habits a lot more then just the clothes you buy, the perfume you use or the cream you want.


    When you have 20 million followers in your twitter you have 20 million of instant listeners. Why Beysus the one so close to the president is so behaved? Do you think was by chance she was the one to (lip) sing the anthem? How many followers Beysus have? how many she gain after that?


    National Anthem is a representation of US society and Politics as it is today. The fact JFK and MM was used is a way to remember you how it could have been or how it was. Look at A$AP behavior on the video, look how pretty yet a empty vassel he's character is. Look at Lana and those multiracial kids, her classy clothes, her "mascara" in contrast with her cheap ghetto behavior. 


    Look at A$ap and his grill and chains. Is Show Business getting into politics, is the new society. The celebrity couple is the president and the first lady. Yet neither knows much.


    Celebs always had influence but never this instantaneous, this powerful and this much. Just look at how many followers the presenter of the National News on BBC and CNN have and you will see  and compare them to any major pop singer. Wanting or not the celeb you follow is indeed one way you get informed. This is obviously talking about US. 

    Honestly... I think you've put WAY more thought into this than Lana ever did.  :toofunny: 


    I think there are a lot of intelligent people on the forum that assign too much meaning to Lana's work and give her too much credit. Liking pretty things and being subversive is basically the whole of her artistry. 

  11. The nostalgia from a time Lana didn't live is a critic itself. She's not nostalgic about technology, she's not nostalgic about cars but what that time represent. I believe in the country America used to be defines a lot of her nostalgia. It's the people, culture, politic, behavior she's nostalgic about. The cars, music, clothes are just a way to represent visually the said nostalgia and moment in time. She's not a retro crazy like Dita, her nostalgia is far more deep and evolved. 

    Being nostalgic for a time you never lived in is such a white person thing  :toofunny:  :toofunny:  :toofunny:


    Like no POC is ever gonna be like "i miss the culture and politics of the 60s"

  12. The bizzare thing is that you dismiss a lyrical content because one verse. That was done against her by many "critics"who single out a word or a verse to dismiss an entire song. It's just LAME. "My boyfriend's in a band / He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed" its like the verses in VG:

    "Swingin' in the backyard

    Pull up in your fast car

    Whistlin' my name

    Open up a beer" etc.

    they are describing a moment with significance from her relationship, a starting point to a story.

    Um... I wrote "The admittedly little we've heard has, in my opinion, horrible lyrics. "


    Also, harking back to my original post: Video Games is a prime example of, in my opinion, not so great lyrics elevated by production, mood, and delivery. I think the song is stunningly beautiful, but reading the lyrics does nothing for me. When i listen to it, however, I get a sense of sincerity that isn't readily apparent just by reading words on a page/screen. 

  13. We listen to different songs and see different Lana Del Rey videos. Nathional Anthem is a clear "social thinker" song and video. Why A$ap? Why the chains? Why he's black? What is the most watched TV Show in US? Why is Obama in all those celebrity TV shows instead of doing announcements front the White House? Why he's on Ellen? The View? Why Michele Obama appeared on Nashiville?? You see, you just didn't understand the song or the video. Lana's themes are far more social then you think and National Anthem and Tropico are brilliant examples of that. So is VG.


    Look at the lyrics on Ride but associate them with the monologue and you will have the perfect answer. Also, clearly, she's not talking about a hooker or character hooker is she (on Ride)? 

    You gotta give more thorough examples. You always talk about National Anthem as a "social critique" but you never actually explain how it is...

  14. No but you guys really do too much about her lyrics. A verse like "Do you like my fake nails, daddy? / Black palm tree, pink tiger stripes / Used to go to the Comfort Inn, yeah / Will you buy me a slice of cherry pie?" would get ripped to shreds if we'd never heard it and it popped up in 2014 with her deep ass voice and big lips. But no she wuz Lizzy she wuz poor how cute she tried then (?). Not to say Paradise doesn't have some shit lyrics but Brooklyn Baby is not the battle to fight :toofunny:

    It's more than that, at least to me. Good lyrics are good lyrics, but bad/mediocre lyrics can be elevated by production / mood / delivery. I don't think lyrics are the be-all, end-all of a song, and I don't think anyone else here that has a bone to pick with them thinks that either.


    In Trash Magic, there's this sort of whimsical, idiosyncratic production, and coupled with the nostalgic mood of the song and seductive, whisper way it is sung, the lyrics take a back seat. She could be singing about fucking donkeys for all I care and I would still fall under the song's spell... Okay, maybe that's a bit of an exaggeration, but you get my point. 


    In Brooklyn Baby... it's just bizarre. The admittedly little we've heard has, in my opinion, horrible lyrics. The production/delivery fails to elevate the lyrics, and if anything, highlights how fucking blasé they are. "My boyfriend's in a band / He plays guitar while I sing Lou Reed" Like... what? 


    Honestly, I think she is more than deserving of criticism considering that she considers herself a writer first and foremost ("~wanted to be a beautiful poet~") and her crappy "I KNOW RILL ART N NO 1 ELS DOES" attitude...

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