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Posts posted by VegasBaby

  1. Her cover of Cheryl's song "Promise This" is SO GOOD. imo, Adele's version is so much better. Cheryl tried to make this song into some dance tune equipped with crazy choreography that was not matching with the song's intended mood. It's clearly meant to be slowed down and sung soulfully as Adele does:

    When I first heard that, I was like :flutter: . She made it sound so etheral.



    I know I might get hate for this, but I think Gaga has a better voice than her




    Praying for you.


  2. she is amazing, however, she is overrated

    Not  as overrated as 1D tbh.


    I think she's rated fairly based on her talent. She's not in the news apart from when she's releasing music. However, I don't think Skyfall deserved an Oscar.. :eek:

  3. Act One


    1. Hello, I Love You (The Doors cover) I feel like everyone and their mom has covered this but it'd be a cute opener and don't pretend like you don't wanna hear Lana tell you she loves you 

    2. American 

    3. Body Electric

    4. Video Games or Lucky Ones (lots of drums edition) or Lolita IDK

    5. Off to the Races

    6. Cola


    Act Two

    1. Dark Paradise (Remix edition- fast)

    2. Radio

    3. Born to Die + Blue Jeans medley (You and I we were born to die, you were sorta punk rock- I grew up on hip hop etc etc)

    4. Paradise City cover (except it'd be really dramatic and melancholic, lana style.. take me dooownnn to the paradise city.. wanna see the lights, I wanna be pretty- oh won't you please take me home~~)

    5. Diet Mt Dew (except she'd sing the ~hit me my darlin tonight~ verses)



    Act Three


    1. Bel Air+ Gods and Monsters Medley

    2. Ride

    3. Yayo (acapella for first verse and then the instruments fade in)

    4. National Anthem

    Really like this set list especially the Born to Die and Blue Jeans medley part.  :bliss:

  4. Well the tabloid press in the UK is especially horrible. Just look at the recent scandals at the Murdoch papers. Plus in NYC and LA celebrities are much more common. It seems to be that she's more popular in Europe which is fine and great for her, but it seems to come at a greater price. In the US she would be more able to do regular everyday stuff.

    It's horrible when adding fuel to the fire in scandals and the press is extremely sensationalist but Lana keeps her business really private so they respect that, I think. I think she is more liked and respected in the UK, media-wise, then the US. I disagree that she would be able to do more stuff in the US. The photogs are worse there, imo.

  5. I even made a fake album called El Rancho Grande for lanas unreleased songs lol.


    Sounded fitting, as do these:









    :shock: That should be a thread tbh. Lana might even steal borrow our ideas?

  6. I think she's one of those people who don't like when people copy her (Though she copies others).. once fans started buying racing jackets, she stopped wearing hers. ha ha

    That's fair enough. I see some people try to emulate her and I'm like.. :lanasrs:


    I know she hasn't got a "classic" image yet but it's obvious when people try hard. Just be yourself and create your own image people.

  7. A really interesting post and a great theory. :yesnod:



    A little OT but I wonder what you guys think of Lana's use of other artist's lyrics - too much or just enough? Is it homage or copying? For example, in 'American' alone we have 'Play house, put my favorite record on' (reminiscent of 'Baby, Let's play house' by Elvis) and 'Honey, put on that party dress' (Oh my, my oh hell yes, honey put on that party dress- Tom Petty) 


    If you go through Elvis' song titles, some of them are similar to Lana's


    i.e. She's Not You/ She's Not Me 


    The reference to the Pink Cadillac in 'Back to tha basics' = Elvis' Pink Cadillac/ Springsteen's song 'Pink Cadillac'


    i kind of love it, ngl, though not so much her taking the lyrics.

    I see what you mean but I think she is influenced by their lyrics and the images they conjure up. I think she samples really well, not copies, imo.

  8. "Sometimes love's not enough when the road gets tough, I don't know why." 


    When she said in a magazine that she sometimes still thinks about "having it all end" and how it's human to feel that way. 


    I also like when she said when you keep secrets, your secrets keep you. Such a smart lady. :yesnod:

  9. She didnt discuss about the topic (=the question I have asked), thats even reason for a report.

    She said:



    maybe she's not trying to impress people because she was under the impression that her fans weren't so shallow as to care about what she looks like anyway.

    Her response was on topic. :uh:

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