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Everything posted by lustforlife

  1. Fanmade dear.. The steams are totally without tuning...
  2. Next full moon is on May 10...Dont be hopeful to get notices until there goodbye
  3. If u takeoff Chuck of the edit room sure we will, if u dont... Just kidding
  4. I hope soo too.. The green fits so well.. Please Lana
  5. She said once that she hates surprise releases.. So no
  6. But guys, i really sorry, but that trailer is a mess... There no match with anything.. The album cover, the colors... I wonder if we will understand wheres the trailer fit in all that in the future (maybe not)
  7. I love the cover maybe a little more balance of the colors on it but everything is okay for me.. I really dont understand all that bad praise of the fanbase
  8. Well.. I think the weeknd song is the most intelligent choice... Would do a great buzz for the album and r&b hip hop public would show a interest for the album also
  9. I think she will release a promo song (maybe one feat) before the album release...
  10. Guys, the name of the album is lust for life, serriously that u are expecting a mad face? Are u all insane?
  11. Some reliable fonts said to me that she will announce some europe dates soon.. But i dont know how soon is that
  12. I hope she doesnt wait 1 mouth untill new news...
  13. Lana just put Honeymoon and Born To Die on iTunes UK Top100...If the elizabeth queen dies today we already have another elizabeth to replace her
  14. I hope she gets the biggest first sale week of her career with this album.. My baby deserves
  15. Born To Die is now on top100 on USA iTunes chart When will ur faves
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